Sep 28, 2013

One Month Of School

September 28, 2013 0 Comments
Today marks the one month anniversary of my first day of high school. It's unbelievable to think about! I've been in school for a month, and I already have so much homework! But it's okay, I'm sure it will get better soon! I love the weekends so much. They let me relax, but this weekend my teachers thought it would be funny to give me lots of homework. Yay! Not... But I get to sleep in!! It makes everything worth it! 

Have a nice day!

~Maddie :) 

Sep 23, 2013

No Homework!

September 23, 2013 0 Comments
Mark your calendars! Today is a very miraculous day! I have no homework tonight!! But on the downside, my throat hurts.. :/ But not homework! I feel like today is the first time in three-four weeks that I have had absolutely zero homework! I didn't even want to work ahead today. I just came home and have been doing practically nothing but relaxing all day! This is miraculous!


Sep 22, 2013


September 22, 2013 0 Comments
Hey y'all! My name's Maddie, and welcome to my blog! Being a high school student with hours of homework every night, I'll probably just blog on weekends (or a miraculous day when I don't have homework). In this blog, I'll probably blog about most anything! Thanks for visiting, and if you're bored, go check out my YouTube channel!
