Oct 20, 2013

Busy Past Week!

Hello! I've had a very busy past week, and I've finally found some quiet time to write! It started last week, on Friday, when my Grandparents flew down from Washington! They stayed from Friday evening, to Tuesday morning, and we had a lot of fun! On Saturday, we went and visited my Older brother at work, then came home for two hours, before driving to Steinway for my Piano Concert. It was an amazing experience, the concert, and I'm glad I did it. We hung out all day on Sunday, and on Monday, we went and saw the movie 'Gravity' before returning home and hanging out. They left Tuesday morning, while I was at school. Tuesday-Friday passed rather quickly, and my birthday was on Thursday! I started off Thursday morning by waking up early, and heading to the Department of Public Safety building to get my permit! I passed the permit test, and now I can drive, as long as my mom's in the car with me! I've already driven four times since Thursday! After getting my permit, my mom and I headed off to Chick-Fil-A for some breakfast, before I headed off to school. School passed quickly, and I surprisingly didn't have any homework! Once I was home, I was on my computer for a while, before my whole family headed out to dinner. We came home, and I opened presents before going back on my computer, then heading off to bed. All in all, it was a really good birthday! I had a small birthday party yesterday, and that was also really fun!

Well, I should get off to bed, as I have surgery tomorrow morning. If you're reading this, it would mean a lot if you could pray all goes well in the morning.

Thank you,
Maddison <3

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