Oct 7, 2013

I. Hate. Doctors.

So, earlier this morning, I went to the doctors. This was absolutely no fun at all whatsoever. First, my appointment was set in the mornings, which are the times I feel nauseous.Then, they made me drink TWENTY FREAKING OUNCES of Barium, A RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCE. Thus my reasoning, the doctors are trying to kill me. PLUS, Barium tastes freaking disgusting. Nasty. Horrendous. Downright horrible. But wait! There's more! I had to drink the whole FIRST CUP of it whilst laying on my sides and back. I thought I was going to chock and die. Horrendous, I tell you! I literally think that if somebody came up to me on the streets with 20oz of this drink in their hand, and said, "Drink this or die," I would chose death! And what did I get out of this whole ordeal? (Besides finding out what's wrong with me in 24-48 hours) I got a flash drive, and a lanyard. Which, is actually pretty cool, considering I need a flash drive for school, but it's not enough to compensate for the pain and torture they caused me! Either way, I made a YouTube video about this, which you should go check out!

This has been a small little update on my life!


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