Nov 25, 2013

Thanksgiving Break!

I'm so happy for this week! It's Thanksgiving Break, which means I get ALL WEEK off of school! I can't wait to do hardly anything all week! It's going to be awesome! I can't believe December is next week though. It's literally so crazy. It feels like it just turned 2013, not nearly 2014! This year has seriously been one of the most interesting and complicated years of my life; but I wouldn't change it for anything.

Hopefully the next month flies by rather quickly. Once back from Thanksgiving, there's only 15 actual days of school until Christmas break, which is a full two weeks! Then, it will be 2014, and I'll be sending the next while still putting everything as mm/dd/13 instead of mm/dd/14. It's weird to even think about how fast life is flying by!

I hope you have an amazing Thanksgiving!

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