Dec 31, 2013

My 2013 All Wrapped into a Blog Post

December 31, 2013 0 Comments
Goodbye 2013! This is what most people around the world are saying; whether they said it a few hours ago, or whether they still have a few more hours to wait, everyone will either say or think this.

 As I wait for 2014 to begin, I'm left reviewing 2013. This year was definitely not my favorite, but it taught me a lot. I had a major fight with an old friend, but I'm glad it's over. We both forgave each other a few months ago, and looking back on the fight now, I almost laugh. It truly was stupid. But hey, I gained stronger friendships with all of my other friends, so it all worked out! By the end of May I was so happy to be done with eighth grade, I couldn't control myself. At last, it was June 6th, and I was officially freed from eighth grade. My brother graduated high school, and then on June 10th I left for Washington DC. But this was no ordinary vacation. My family didn't accompany me on this trip, as it was with my school. At least I had my best friend, Viviane, with me, although our friendship got a little rocky whilst in DC (don't worry; we made up quickly). DC wasn't exactly my dream vacation, as I was sick every single morning, but I actually had the time of my life. It's not something I would do again, at least not the same way, but I would go back to DC, just on my own time. I learned a lot while in DC, and it was super fun. Once home from DC (we were only in DC for five days), I had a pretty lazy summer and did basically nothing. I started high school in late August, but my nausea returned every single morning. It was seriously not fun, but after multiple doctor's visits, it was traced down to digestive problems. Strangely enough, when I went for my last test, they said everything was fine, so I just control when and what I eat. High school is definitely interesting. I love all my teachers, but sometimes the homework is way too much. My geography teacher has all the homework, and sometimes I just want to throw my geography book at his face. Sometimes... At least there are plentiful cute guys for me to gaze upon at school; that is one major plus!

Speaking of cute guys, I've started watching so many YouTubers this year! The first YouTuber I started watching was Connor Franta in April, and he's freaking amazing. Now, I watch so many people, it's almost insane. My favorites are Connor Franta, Our2ndLife (O2L), Tyler Oakley, Troye Sivan, Ricky Dillon, Jc Caylen, Andrew Lowe, DailyGrace, Marcus Butler, Zoella, Shelby Waddell, and SprinkleOfGlitter. Well, I guess that's most of them then... Go watch them!
Anyways, 2013 has had it's ups and downs, but I really wouldn't change anything. It has taught me a lot, and strengthened me even more. I seriously can't wait for 2014, and I feel like this is going to be an amazing year.

Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014.


Dec 27, 2013

How Was Your Christmas?

December 27, 2013 0 Comments
Hey y'all, it's Maddie! Unless you have lived under a rock your entire life, you would know that just a few days ago was Christmas! I had an amazing Christmas, and I got everything I wanted, plus more! I got a lot of movies, some books, and a few other things, and I had a really nice Christmas. Then yesterday my family and I drove up to go see my dad's side of our family (since my mom's don't live in our state), and I actually had a good time. It was nice and calm, and I had fun. Also, since my grandma is an author (published and everything) I sent her a book I'm working on and she loved it. Then she brought it up yesterday and everyone went crazy. They practically fought each other over it, and I even got my twelve year old brother to read it! Now they're all demanding I finish it! Haha, it's pretty funny, but it's also really encouraging.

I went and got my eyes checked today, and they told me I needed readers glasses. They also dilated my pupils- which was pure torture. It was not fun. But, at least I picked out a cute pair of glasses, which I should get in about a week.

So if you know anything about me, you might know that I love the UK and Ireland (well you know know)! After my eye appointment today I went to Half Priced Books and I got a 2014 Ireland calendar and three UK/Ireland Travel books (along with two other normal books). Praise the Lord they are having a 20% discount on everything in the store (until the 30th!), otherwise I would have spent a lot more money! The total for me was around $33 with the discount!

Happy (soon-to-be) New Year!


Dec 21, 2013

Christmas Break!

December 21, 2013 0 Comments
Hey y'all, it's Maddie, and I'm finally on Christmas break!! These next two weeks will be awesome and relaxing! Plus, I really don't have to do anything except the candle-light church service at Church tonight, look decent for Christmas pictures Wednesday morning, drive up to see family Thursday, and then an eye doctor appointment on Friday. But other than that (and it really isn't a lot), I get to do whatever I want! That means reading, writing, singing, piano, guitar, violin, ukulele, and sleeping!

And also homework, but I'm going to get all that crap over with before Tuesday (hopefully)!
Sorry I haven't blogged in a while, but I had a lot of homework (but seriously; when don't I?). Also, I'm probably going to make another YouTube video soon, but I don't know whether a funny one, or a piano one. Probably a piano one for sure and then maybe a "What I Got for Christmas" video. Either way, I should get a lot of stuff done these next two weeks! I already started writing again today!

Have a Merry Christmas!


Dec 10, 2013

Snow Days

December 10, 2013 0 Comments
Hey y'all, it's Maddie! The past few days I've had winter weather (along with most of America, I believe). My school got canceled Friday, today (Monday), and tomorrow (Tuesday). I've had a quite relaxing time, even if I did do some homework! But, my sleep schedule is all off, and I'm going to have a hard time getting back on schedule! At least I have Christmas break the week after next, so I don't have to be too productive. It's easier if I think about it as eight actual days of school, then it seems like time goes by faster.

It's really late, so I'm off to bed! Goodnight!

Live, Laugh, Love, and Pray