Dec 27, 2013

How Was Your Christmas?

Hey y'all, it's Maddie! Unless you have lived under a rock your entire life, you would know that just a few days ago was Christmas! I had an amazing Christmas, and I got everything I wanted, plus more! I got a lot of movies, some books, and a few other things, and I had a really nice Christmas. Then yesterday my family and I drove up to go see my dad's side of our family (since my mom's don't live in our state), and I actually had a good time. It was nice and calm, and I had fun. Also, since my grandma is an author (published and everything) I sent her a book I'm working on and she loved it. Then she brought it up yesterday and everyone went crazy. They practically fought each other over it, and I even got my twelve year old brother to read it! Now they're all demanding I finish it! Haha, it's pretty funny, but it's also really encouraging.

I went and got my eyes checked today, and they told me I needed readers glasses. They also dilated my pupils- which was pure torture. It was not fun. But, at least I picked out a cute pair of glasses, which I should get in about a week.

So if you know anything about me, you might know that I love the UK and Ireland (well you know know)! After my eye appointment today I went to Half Priced Books and I got a 2014 Ireland calendar and three UK/Ireland Travel books (along with two other normal books). Praise the Lord they are having a 20% discount on everything in the store (until the 30th!), otherwise I would have spent a lot more money! The total for me was around $33 with the discount!

Happy (soon-to-be) New Year!


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