Feb 16, 2014


February 16, 2014 0 Comments
Hey y'all, it's Maddie! So I know I haven't blogged in about a month, but I've been suupeerr busy! So last time I talked to all you guys, I was just about to take my finals. I did really well on all of them, and I passed them all (of course)! The one I did the worse on was pre-ap (honors) Geometry, but I still passed (but it was a 76). All the others I passes with flying colors, getting an 81 on my pre-ap Biology one, then As and all my others.

But other than that, not much has changed in all actuality. It snowed a little a few weeks ago, but we were still forced to be in school, even on icy roads! Another thing that happened over the past month was the fact that I hardly had time to do anything but school, homework, and a few hours of sleep a night. Hopefully though, this week I might be able to be more creative! I didn't have a ton of homework, and what I did have to do, I was working ahead! I already have my math project completely finished, and it's not due until Friday, so I'm going to turn it in early tomorrow for extra credit! Also, by the looks of my geography syllabus, I only have two homework assignments, plus two tests, but that's not too bad. This week better be super easy, because I really want to be more creative!

I have so many creative ideas, but I haven't had the time to carry them through. I want this week to just be super creative. I want to film so many new YouTube videos, continue writing my story, and do even more crafty things! I can't wait until not only spring break, but summer, so I can just overflow with creativity. It kind of stinks, the public school system. You go to school eight hours a day and sit through boring classes, then you come home and do a lot of homework, then you usually have homework over the weekends, so you have very little time to do anything you actually want to do. It annoys me, but I guess I'm going to have to live with it for the next three and a half years. At least they give us the summer and a few breaks here and there to relax. On that note, I must get ready for school tomorrow, I'll try to be more creative soon!

Have a great day!
