Mar 1, 2014

Goodbye February

Hey y'all, it's Maddie! Today has been a great day, and that makes me really happy! I hardly had any work to do in any of my classes, and I spent most of 1st, 4th, 5th, and 6th period studying for a geography test over Africa and the Middle East, and I'm pretty sure I got a 100! I didn't study 2nd, 3rd, or 7th period because I had to work in two of the classes, and the other was lunch, and then I took the test in 8th period. Overall, a really easy day! After school I went over to my best friend's house. We only had about an hour and a half to hang out, as then I had to go piano lessons. My mom picked me up from Vivi's house, but then she let me drive to AND from piano! It was so much fun! I love driving so much, especially on the fast roads! Granted, it is a bit scary at first, but once I got the hang of it I couldn't stop smiling! Also, while at piano, my teacher told me that I qualified for state!

Last Saturday (Feb. 22nd) I had a piano competition, and I got a superior! I thought that only superior + got to advance to state, but any superior gets you to state! I made state last year as well, but I didn't go because the timing wasn't right, but I really want to do it this year!

Have you ever thought about how funny your reaction to grades can be? For example, on Wednesday I took three tests, and I got an 85 on two of them, and an 86 on the other. For my math test, I was praising the Lord that I got an 85, that's a good math score for me, and I was proud. For my next test, ASL (American Sign Language), I also got an 85, but I was really upset. I was doing really well in ASL (average of 95), but with that test my average dropped to around a 93/94ish. I would have done amazing on that test, but it had fingerspelling, which I hadn't reviewed in a long while, so I only got one of the four spelled words, meaning I missed six (it had two parts). I now try to review fingerspelling more (I even downloaded an app), so by the next test I will do better. My last test on Wednesday was English. I love English, but the tests usually just annoy me. I got an 86 on this test, which I was just kind of iffy about. I knew I wouldn't do amazing, and I knew I wouldn't fail, so I kind of knew I would get an 85ish or higher. Either way, the way we react to grades kind of just makes me chuckle.

Hello March!


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