Mar 30, 2014

High School

High school is hard, and if someone tells you otherwise, then they're obviously lying to you. Every single night I come home and have to do tons of homework- even on the weekends! It's ridiculous! I don't need to be working on homework 24/7! High school is basically four years of stress. But then there are fun aspects, so it makes you want to keep going a little bit, right? I don't know. Take today for example. I've been working on homework basically all day with a few breaks in between. I don't think I've even eaten much today. Not only is homework long and boring, it's also pointless. Most of my homework is for biology or world geography, and it's pointless things! All I do for world geography is take notes. Will I ever use the things I "learn" in the notes in real life? Of course not! Don't even get me started on biology. The unit we're doing right now is evolution. I doubt anybody in my entire school believes in that crap, but we still have to be taught and learn it. The whole concept is weird. Even Charles Darwin, the guy who created the theory, doesn't even believe in it! The only thing that keeps me sane is the fact that I only have ten weeks of school left, which I rounded to about 48 days.

Sorry for the rant, but I just needed to get some things off my chest! I'll try to be back with an actual blog post next week!


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