Mar 22, 2014

School Lunches

School lunches. Everyone has tried them at some point or another, and if you haven't: don't. Let's face it, school lunches are gross. Not only are they unhealthy, but they usually aren't very tasty, and you have to wait in a giant line and barely have time to eat your lunch by the time you get back to your table. Let's take my school for example: I've got through the line a few times with my friends who buy lunch, and I cringe each time. There are super greasy pizzas, old salads, stale chicken, and a "sandwich" that's basically bread, a ton of lettuce, and two slices of slimy lunch meat. Plus, they charge a ridiculous amount. They even charge you for a cup of water; which most restaurants even give you for free. Last, but not least, let's not forget about anything you could find in your food... I'm not going into that though.

I'm not judging if you buy your lunch, I used to buy a lot in elementary school, but stopped completely in 5th grade, and now I pack my lunch everyday. It's kind of funny how most people either buy lunch everyday, or they bring lunch everyday. There really aren't a lot of people who alternate buying and bringing lunch. I guess you just stick to routine.

You may be one of those people who wants to start bringing your lunch, but you don't know what to pack. Have no fear; this is what this next part is about! First thing's first; if you don't bring a water bottle to school, make sure you have a drink, especially water or Gatorade. The next thing you should have is something healthy, whether it's a fruit, a vegetable, yogurt, or just a granola bar or something. If you like sandwiches, make one! If not, you can try bringing soups in a thermos, or a salad in a Tupperware container. Cheese and crackers (and summer sausage) also works well if you don't like sandwiches. You can pack sweets like candy, cake, chips,soda, etc, but I wouldn't pack them everyday. Lunches are super easy to pack once you get used to it; you're just putting in things you like and will actually eat!


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