Mar 16, 2014

Spring Break is Over

Hello everybody! I'm sad to say that my spring break is gone. It went by so fast! Tomorrow I must wake up at 7am and then get ready for school. I have to go back to climbing those awful stairs! No! But I just have 12 more weeks of school. I just keep repeating that, and it at least helps me feel like I can make it. I didn't do much over my break, but I loved it! I had one friend over, but really that's plenty enough. It's kind of funny though, because she's usually super crazy when she comes over, but this time she wasn't (even with two cups of coffee and spoonfuls of sugar in each cup!). I've concluded that she's only really crazy around boys, as this was the first time that my little brother wasn't around. It was surreal.

I've started a new blog! As you might know, I'm a high school student, so I thought I would make a blog filled with advice, tips, tricks, polls, etc! I'll post the link below if you want to go check it out! Like this blog, I'm going to try to post every weekend, and if not, then every other weekend! I'm really excited for this new blog!

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."


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