Apr 19, 2014

Just Seven More Weeks of School!

Oh, hi there. Did you forget about me? Whoops, sorry. You see, the thing is that when you have hours of homework all the time and are too exhausted to do anything else, you don't really have time to blog about your personal life. But don't worry, I do try to keep my High School blog updated each week. In fact, my new post will be up soon! I'll be talking about homework, and the link will be at the end of this post! You see, you haven't gotten any posts on this blog in about 2 weeks, but I posted something last week on the High School blog, and today you get not one, but TWO blog posts! Be proud of me! :)

Anyways, as you can see by the title, I only have seven weeks of school left! I'm so beyond excited! Summer will be so amazing! I'm not planning on doing much except reading, sleeping, writing, hanging out with friends, watching YouTube videos, eating, and maybe a vacation! No matter what I do, I know I'm going to have a lot of fun because no homework!! It will seriously be the best time of my life. I'll have so much time to do things I enjoy! It will almost be weird, having to adjust back to no homework, but I'll get over it after an hour. When it comes to summer, some of my favorite things are often the most simple. Getting enough sleep every night is definitely one of my favorite things, no matter which time of the year, but it can only happen when I don't have school! Friends and family is another one of my favorite things, especially when I have the time to hang out with them. The list goes on and on and on and on, but I have a challenge for you! If you've been reading this post at all, you've read about a few things that I'm grateful/thankful for. My challenge for you is this:
Make a list of things that you're thankful for!

It may seem cheesy or lame, but once you start, all these things come to mind that you didn't think of at first. I mean, you don't have to do this, but you can if you want! Plus, it shows what a great life you have, since you have so many reasons to be thankful!

Keep Smiling :)


Other Blog Post About Homework

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