May 6, 2014


Sorry I haven't blogged in a while, but I've been both too busy and too lazy. The reason you're getting this random mid-week-ish blog post is because I had to go to the dentist today... As everyone knows, the dentist is torture. Pure torture. I had to get a few small cavities worked on today, and now that I'm fully un-numb and able to smile properly, the pain is starting to kick in. I literally hate needles, and I had experience with needles twice in the past week. Last Friday I had to get my blood drawn, and today I had the cavity thing, which also included needles full of numbing substance. Not cool, not cool at all. I'm going to try to keep this post short (and hopefully not too rubbish), as it's already 7pm, and I haven't done any homework! Sorry about that, but I'll try to be back this weekend with regular posts (hopefully)!

Anyways, at least the dentist was nice, but I could go my whole life without having to go to the dentist's office again. Nope, nope, nope. I vote no on any dentist/doctor visit ever. If only...
Sorry, but I'm going to have to stop here. I have homework to do (sadly)... I'll hopefully be back this weekend with less-rubbish posts.


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