May 18, 2014

Dream Schools and Tours

Hello Everyone! Sorry I didn't post last week, but I was busy being social and going to hotels. (If you want a longer explanation, go check out my new post on my main blog here- Post on Main Blog! it also talks about what I did this past weekend.) Speaking of what I've done this past weekend, that leads me to my topic for this post: Dream Schools. If you know me at all (or read my other blog post), then you might know that my dream college/university is the University of Texas in Austin. I've been dreaming about this school for a little under a year now, and today I finally got to tour it! My mom, little brother, and I did a "walking" self-guided tour. I put quotes by walking, since all I did for the first 45 minutes was run, skip, jump, and basically to anything except walk. After 45 minutes, people started appearing out of thin air, and I had to tone down my excitement. I had to try to be like any other person- just a person touring the campus. It was hard. All I wanted to do was to continue skipping and giggling like a small child. But no, I had to act like the mature teenager I am. Or at least, I had to act like that around other people. I could act however I wanted in our car. Don't worry, this personal-type story actually ties into what I'm going to be typing in this post.

Having a goal in life is great, but most people don't just have one big goal. You may have ten big goals, and two small/supporting goals, but most everyone has at least some type of goal in life, even if it is to just go to bed without crying yourself to sleep. It's okay! No matter what your goal, my question for you is this: do you have a college/university goal that you have in mind? Do you want to go to college for 4,8,12, or even zero years? Whatever your answer, it's okay; at least you know! For those of you who even just thinking about college makes your stomach twist into knots, that's perfectly fine to! All I'm trying to say really is that it's okay not to know what you want to do. I've known since last year that I want to go to UT, and I've known since early on this year that I want to be a teacher, but not just any teacher, but a Special Education Teacher.  I also want to be an author, but I've known that since first grade. I love Sped kids (special ed), and teaching was kind of one of those things that I never thought I would want to do. I've always been told, "Oh, you would be such a great teacher," or "I can totally see you as a teacher," etc, etc. In 8th grade even, we took this career test thingie to show you career opportunities you would be good in, and guess what I got? Yep. It said "Teacher" written across the screen in big, bold letters. I immediately thought, "Oh heck no," but look at me now, wanting to be a teacher.

Anyways, maybe you don't have the next few years of your life planned out. Maybe you're more like my older brother. Someone who just wants to get done with school. He graduated from high school last year, and he started college at a local college for the winter/spring terms. He got a little break by not doing the fall semester, but only because he was working full time. He still doesn't really know exactly what he wants to do in life, but he's getting his pre-requisites done, since everyone has to do them anyways.

What I'm trying to get through, is that whether you have your whole life planned out, or you live day to day, both are okay. You don't have to know everything super early, but it's okay. It's also okay if you have no idea what you want to do. As long as you set some goals in life, it's all good.
I don't know if this post helped any bit, but I kind of wish it did. If not, sorry, but I'm not a professional, just a teenager speaking her mind. :)


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