May 6, 2014


I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a while! I have been really busy lately, but I've also gotten a case of summeritis. For all of you who don't know what summeritis is, it's basically when all you can think of is summer, and you don't feel like doing anymore school work. It usually comes on pretty strong in either the last few weeks of school, and/or right after all the state/big tests are done with. I don't ever remember having it this bad, but I'll get over it quickly enough!

First thing's first: when it comes to summeritis, don't let it take over your life, especially if you still have a lot of things to to in school. If you're still in school and feel a case of summeritis, don't worry! It isn't a legitimate excuse to stop doing everything, but it does help you to feel a bit more relaxed, and a little less stressed. I have five more weeks left in school, but I just got done with my state tests, so I feel like school should be over with already! But no, I still have four more weeks of "learning," and then my last week of school is finals and half days.

This post isn't really going to be a "How to Beat Summeritis" post, as let's be real here, I can write down a bunch of tips, but you probably won't do it. Heck, even just writing this post I get distracted. I either open up a new tab, watch TV, or eat. I've been "writing" this post for about three hours now... Maybe it's just the fact that I had a church conference last week, so I haven't done any homework since Wednesday, or maybe it really is summeritis, but I'm sure that once I get back on a regular school routine tomorrow, then my summeritis will slowly fade away until it comes back full-force in a month.

Sorry this post is a bit rubbish, but I haven't post anything in a while, and I wanted to do just a little update-y type thingie, I guess. Either way, I hope to be back to normal this weekend!


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