Jun 1, 2014

Assigned Reading

Hello Everyone! Assigned reading may make you want to burn the book, or you may love the book, but either way, you're still forced to read said book. For most cases, you probably won't like the book, but if you do, good for you. So, if you're stuck with assigned reading either during the school year or over the summer, here are a few ways to help get you through it.

Step 1: Cry because you're being forced to read the book.

Step 2: Stop crying and look at the back of the book or online for a quick summary.

Step 3: Section it off. There's no way you can read and annotate all twenty chapters the night before. By breaking it into sections, it gives you a more realistic timeline.

Step 4: Do the work yourself. There's no way that I can stress this enough, but please, PLEASE, do the work yourself. You may not want to read the book at all, but doing the work yourself will make the quizzes come easier, and you really will get a better grade if you do it yourself.

Step 5: Reward yourself after each quiz, but only if you did the work mostly (and by mostly, I mean no less than 95%; let's be real here, everyone needs help at one point) by yourself. Maybe just a small treat, such as a little bit of your favorite candy, or whatever else you want, but a reward is always nice.

Step 6: Finish the book

Step 7: Reward yourself since you kept going and finished the book

Step 8: Do whatever you want to the book. Examples: Burn it, trash it, keep it, or frame it.

Step 9: Be glad that you're finally done! At least until the next assigned book..

Hopefully by using these tips, and some that you've figured out by yourself, or from others, you can finish reading the assigned book quickly and easily!

Also: If you need to focus on your book without any distractions, put away your phone, or at least silence it! Try your hardest not to tool around on your computer. What help me, personally, is to put some piano/classical music on in the background softly and light a nice smelling candle. It helps your mood and makes it seem tolerable!


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