Jun 1, 2014

"It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times..."

Hello everybody! Happy June! I can't wait until this Thursday- it's my last day as a Freshman! Come June 6th, and I'll be a Sophomore! This school year somehow flew by so quickly, but I can't wait until summer! I really want this to be an easy and relaxing summer! Hopefully.

Not a lot has happened in the two weeks since we've last talked, but a few things did happen. On Friday May 23rd, I went to my choir banquet. It was so much fun, and I'm really glad I went. Not much else happened until Thursday May 29th. On the 29th, I had to put my sweet dog to sleep. He had somehow gotten doggie cancer, and the vet gave him a week to live, but it would be a week of pain. We decided to put him to sleep peacefully and quickly, so he would no longer be in pain. It was a really hard decision, but at least I know that he's no longer suffering and that he's in a better place.

Going from such a bad night, the next day, Friday May 30th, was actually one of my favorite days of this year so far (Thus the title). Last Friday I got to go to the O2L tour in Dallas! The only bummer of the night was the fact that I didn't get to meet them. You see, I was supposed to see them, since I had bought a VIP ticket, but I was never informed of the meet and greet times, and I thought that it was at 6pm. As it tuns out, the meet and greet started at 4pm. I got home from school around 4pm and checked my Twitter like usual when I saw that Tweet. I got everything ready in two minutes, and soon my dad and I were driving to Dallas. We were almost speeding on the roads, just trying to make it to the House of Blues in time. By the time we got there, it was 5:30, and the meet and greet had ended. It was devastating. In fact, I almost cried, but I don't like crying in public, so I told myself no, and composed myself. I'm thankful my dad was with me though, as he found somebody who worked at the House of Blues, and one thing lead after another, and so I still got to go and be in the VIP section, which was three feet from the stage. It was perfect. Even though I didn't get to meet my life savers, I still got to stand three feet away and get amazing photos. Would I like to have met them? Of course! But at least I had fun and got to go so close to them and make two new friends at the tour. My dad even managed to find me a VIP lanyard, which is now hanging in my room.

Now I'm sitting in my room, listening to solo piano music with a candle burning, and I can finally enjoy life without homework (or at least for the next three months)! 

Stay lovely!


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