Jul 18, 2014


July 18, 2014 0 Comments
Why hello everyone! I bet you didn't expect to hear from me anytime soon. I'm surprised too! I got back from camping yesterday, and today I've just been chilling out and doing nothing. It's the first time since I started my vacation that it's been so calm and relaxing. I slept in (Until 11am, but that's the longest I've been able to sleep until), watched Tyler Oakley on the OkHello app, ate some lunch, and have been on my futon in couch form with the window open, listening to music, and on my computer. I can feel the cool breeze from the window, and I've had Troye Sivan songs on repeat (Specifically the Happy Little Pill preview and an edit from Tumblr of him singing "Come Home To Me" with rain playing in the background. I'll link it here: Come Home To Me with Rain this link takes you to Tumblr, where the edits came from. One of them has his voice deepened, while the other doesn't. Also, the non-deepened voice was his real voice a few years ago when he posted the video here). I don't know why, but for some reason, the sound of rain puts me into a really productive/creative mood. It just makes me feel really happy, especially if it's sunny outside.

It's nice that I'm having this perfectly relaxing day, because my life recently has been anything but perfect and relaxing. Anyways, camping was interesting to say the least. We woke up early on the 15th to put everything into the trailer and such, and I'm just going to skip until when we pulled into the campsite now because you can't just load a trailer and drive for nearly two hours without some stress. Most of my mom's side of the family went camping. And I say most because my aunt, uncle, and cousin in Georgia didn't come camping because they were vacationing in Florida. So there we were. My aunt and uncle and their three girls. My other aunt and uncle and their two boys and one girl. My grandma and grandpa. My mom, two brothers, and I. If you count that up, it's sixteen people. Sixteen people. Two bathrooms. Two bedrooms. Eight beds. Two tents. Two couches. One futon. No air conditioning. No wifi. No cell service. But, on top of all of that, I did manage to have some fun.

Both nights we had a campfire and roasted smores and/or hotdogs. The first night was boiling hot, but my aunt would crack jokes, keeping us laughing well into 3am. The second night ended up being like a giant slumber party. It started out with my mom on the futon, me on the small couch, and my aunt and cousin on the larger couch, but after a while both of my brothers came, as well as another cousin. We stayed up laughing until about 1:30/2ish in the morning, before we all stopped talking (at the same time too) and passed out.

But besides staying up laughing, night time was my favorite for many reasons. The campfire was one of them. Campfires can be so much fun. We sat roasting our marshmallows and laughing. We shooed away bugs and had smores eating contests. It was great. Another great thing about night was the stars. The stars were wonderful. We would turn off all the lights and look up to the sky. Although the Milky Way wasn't visible, the stars still shone bright. You could see parts of the sky where you know that if you could just be a little further from civilization, you would be able to see so much. It's hard to describe the beauty, but it was magnificent. It made me really want a telescope.

All-in-all, I actually did have fun camping. Or at least, that's all I can remember- the fun stuff! Again, I don't know how much I'll be uploading in the next little while, as my life is about to get extremely different in the next week or so, but I plan on being back soon! I may even surprise you with random little posts. Maybe.


Jul 15, 2014


July 15, 2014 0 Comments
Hello everybody! Sorry I haven't posted anything in the past month, but I've been really busy with my life. And when I wasn't busy I was too stressed to write. And then I went through a phase where I hated everything I wrote. So in short, I haven't had an update in a while. And I'm sorry about that, but I hope that I can get onto a schedule posting every/every other week again! But, unfortunately, that won't be able to happen for the next few weeks, as right now I'm on vacation, and once I get back I'll be super busy for a while. But don't worry, I will be back!

In all honesty, I can't really remember the past month of my life, but that's alright. I've been on vacation for exactly one week today, and I've had a lot of fun! In fact, I go camping tomorrow and will be gone for about three days, but it should be really fun! In fact, you can see the stars so well where we're going, and I can't wait!

Sorry that this is a short update, but it's getting late and I should really start to pack for camping! I'll see you whenever I post next!
