Jul 15, 2014


Hello everybody! Sorry I haven't posted anything in the past month, but I've been really busy with my life. And when I wasn't busy I was too stressed to write. And then I went through a phase where I hated everything I wrote. So in short, I haven't had an update in a while. And I'm sorry about that, but I hope that I can get onto a schedule posting every/every other week again! But, unfortunately, that won't be able to happen for the next few weeks, as right now I'm on vacation, and once I get back I'll be super busy for a while. But don't worry, I will be back!

In all honesty, I can't really remember the past month of my life, but that's alright. I've been on vacation for exactly one week today, and I've had a lot of fun! In fact, I go camping tomorrow and will be gone for about three days, but it should be really fun! In fact, you can see the stars so well where we're going, and I can't wait!

Sorry that this is a short update, but it's getting late and I should really start to pack for camping! I'll see you whenever I post next!


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