Aug 25, 2014

Back into Routine

Hello everybody! I'm finally back! It felt so weird not blogging the past month, but as I said in my last blog post, I've been extremely busy, and I was glad that I eliminated the stress of feeling like I had to put up a blog post every or every other week. So in the past month I've had to move halfway across the country and have to deal with all of that absolute crap, and I had way to many different feelings to write any blog posts, so that's why I haven't posted in the past month. But so much as happened.

I'm glad this blog is relevant again, in the sense that school's starting back up for most people again. Summer went by in the blink of an eye and I did hardly anything I wanted to accomplish before school started. Well, I've hardly done anything I've wanted to accomplish for 2014, but that's a different subject. Back onto the subject of school starting back up, I wanted to write a post giving a few back to school tips.

1. My first tip is the cheesiest, but it's super important. Whether you're starting a new school, or going back to your same old one, you should always remember to be yourself. Never change yourself for anyone. Changing yourself for other people just confuses you and everyone else. Soon enough, you don't know who you really are anymore. Staying true to yourself and who you are is a crucial part of surviving in this world.

2. Going along with my first tip, don't, under any circumstances, "dumb yourself down." Don't play dumb if you're truly a smart person. Take pride in your intelligence instead of trying to hide it.

3. When going back to school, starting getting your normal routine back the last little while of summer. Whether this is the last few weeks, last week, or last few days, it really does help when it comes time to wake up on the first day of school. To start out, you set your alarms at a reasonable time for the first try (if you usually wake up past noon on a typical summer day, don't try to get back on track by setting your alarm at 7am). I like to start around 10am the first time, and then each day take away a few minutes until I can finally wake up the time I usually would for school easily.

4. If you're in high school, and teachers don't give you a list, then I wouldn't recommend you do all of your back to school shopping until after the first day. Sometimes teachers are extremely picky, and it's best to wait until after the first day when they hand you a list to get everything you need. But, you do want to buy things while they're on sale before school starts, so make sure you get pens, pencils, erasers, calculators, paper, a plain binder or two, and some one subject notebooks before the first day. Then you don't need that many things after the first day when prices are back up to normal.

5. If you can, go to your school (or get a map) and find out where your classes are. The first day is so much easier when you know, or have a general idea, of where your classes are. If you're allowed to walk through your school, try to walk your schedule the same way you would during school.

6. If you tend to get really anxious, try to remember that most of the things that you worry about usually don't ever happen. If you have anxiety medicine, make sure you take it. Try to download some soothing music to your phone, or look at pictures of cute people/puppies/whatever else. Know that you can get through it.

So there are a few of my back to school tips! Hopefully some of them will help make the transition from summer back into school a little easier.


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