Oct 6, 2014

Homeschooling Fail

Hello lovelies! I have a bit of a story to tell. As you can see by the title, I've had a homeschooling fail. Welcome to my crazy life.

It all started when I moved here. I knew that the curriculum was behind Texas by a good year or two, but I didn't know what I was going to do about it. So like any normal human being, I continued on with the typical public school system. I got put into most of the classes I wanted, with my core classes being Pre-AP. So far, so good. But alas, even in Pre-AP, the courses are super easy. I'm having to relearn things that I've learned years before, and they put me into the basic choir, so I'm learning things that I did five years ago in fifth grade...

With all of this, I've was begging my mom to look into homeschooling. Every second I could bring it up, I did. After a few weeks, she finally agreed and I was overjoyed. I got all registered and put into a few classes. Mistake number one: They never asked me what classes I wanted, they just put me into four classes, instead of the six I take in public school. Also, they didn't put me into any Pre-AP classes. Big mistake. On the website, it clearly stated that they had honors classes and would gladly put me into them. Also, by doing online school, they didn't have ASL (American Sign Language), so my world language was thrown out of the window.

I was home schooled for two days. The education level was the same as the public school, and they said that it was more advanced, which was wrong. The lack of communication was unacceptable. You would think that they would teach me how to use the site, or give me any information for that matter, but no. I didn't get any information whatsoever, which was highly aggravating. Also, they would've made me do all of the work from the past month, as if I wasn't in public high school for the past month.

I was extremely disappointed in the system, and the fact that nothing was going how I wanted. So now I'm back at this horrid high school and with make up work from Thursday and Friday. But if there's one thing that I'm extremely grateful that happened, it's the fact that my mom didn't unroll me from public school until I made sure I liked homeschooling, giving me another option.

And that's my homeschooling fail story. I hope you enjoyed. Sorry for ranting a little, but I'm just a bit annoyed, and needed somewhere to vent.


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