Oct 6, 2014

Making New Friends?

Hello all you lovely people! How are you? Good? Good. Now that it's October, I'm thinking that it's safe to assume that most everyone is in school by now. Unless you're completely done with your schooling, but that's another story. Anyways, whenever you start a new school, you're always going to make at least one friend that school year. I'm in no way in a position to give you advice on how to make friends, but I think I'm going to give you some tips anyways.

Personally, making friends is one of the hardest things for me. I don't trust people easily, and I'm a very quiet person, so it takes me forever to befriend people. And I really truly do mean forever. I've been in school for a month and I still wouldn't consider anyone my "friend." Are there people that I could see possible becoming my friend? Maybe a few.

Tip time! These are a few things that I usually do to try to befriend new people.

1. Download the Twitter app (or go to the website)

2. Create an account

3. Find people with similar interests (fandoms are great for this)

4. Follow them

5. Wait until they follow back, or ask them to follow back

6. DM with them

7. Become super good friends

8. Find out that they don't live in your state/country

9. Cry

10. Continue talking to them and become best friends

Oh, you probably wanted to tell you about how to make friends at school... Yeah, that's a whole lot harder, but here are some things I find helpful.

1. Find someone who looks nice

2. Look around at who you're sitting by

3. Ask them a question such as, "Did you have a good weekend?"

4. Keep the first few conversations simple

5. I like to stick to a simple, "How's it going?"

6. Hopefully you guys become friends

I know these tips probably aren't that helpful in any way, but it's what I do, and it seems to work eventually. If all else fails, internet friends are fantastic, and my favorite type of people. I hope this helped you in some way, and if not then oops. Oh well, next time maybe. Oh yeah, but can we talk about the fact that it's October? I love October! It's my favorite months, not only because it's my birth month, but everything is fall and pumpkiny and amazing! October is great.


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