Oct 14, 2014

Sh!t High Schoolers Say

Why hello there all you lovely humans! Being the very observant person I am, I hear things. Lots of things. Things I wish I never heard. And being in high school, it means that the things I overhear aren't always the best things to overhear. So I've decided that I would blog about a few of the things I've overheard since school started. You've been warned.

1. "I have a 76 in this class, so I'm like doing pretty good."
No. Don't. No.

2. "There's going to be so many parties on Halloween! I can't wait."
I guess Halloween being on a Friday leads to parties. Okay.

3. Person one: "Did you end up going to that lengere party?"
Person two: "Hell no! I wasn't going to pay $80 for that."
I don't even want to know.

4. Person one: "Look at what I got!"
Person two: "No way, how did you get this?!"
Person one: "I just got it. I can give you some later?"
Person two: "Okay, but I don't like bringing it to school in case I get caught. Maybe if you meet me at my house later or something? How much is it?"
Person one: "Just $30 a can!"
Person two: "No way! That's such a good deal!"
Looking back on this now, I think I might have overheard a drug deal today?

5. "I only smoke pot on the weekends."

6. "Do you want to buy some Tina?"
Apparently, Tina is code for Meth.

7. "If I could have one person killed, *insert teacher's name* would be the first one to go."
No. Why. No.

8. "I would totally bang *insert person's name."
Nope. Please love them and take them out to dinner and just no.

9. *Person coughs*
Please stop with the Ebola "jokes." They're not funny. You're not funny.

10. "I'm not going to take the PSAT, because there's no way I'm waking up early on a Saturday."
I can't even form words to try to understand your stupidity level. Do you think the actual SAT will be on a school day? Just saying.

So there are ten things that I've heard that have really stuck out to me since I've been in school here. I don't know if these are only things in Washington, as some of the things that I've unfortunately overheard are things that I literally had to ask my mom what they meant, and have been scarred forever, or if this is common things high schoolers say/do, but I can say that I now know more about drugs and parties than I would ever like to admit. And now you do too... Oops.


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