Jan 12, 2015

Excited for the Future

Hey hi hello how are you? Good? Good. Today I got really super excited for the future. I think looking at my PSAT scores and college stuff online really started it. But I'm just so unbelievably excited for the future. Not only college in a few years, but this summer is going to be one of the best ones yet. Not only am I most likely moving home this summer, but I also get to go to Vidcon. If you don't know, Vidcon is this giant YouTube convention down in Anaheim, California and it's going to be so much fun.

I've been so bubbly and giggly and just overall excited for the future today and it's been so long since I was excited about the future, or could even see a future for me. This just got a bit deep what whatever. I'm so excited and I need a way to share it. Also, I think I've decided the major I want too. I know for sure that I want to write. I don't care what I'm writing, I just want to write. I think my ideal career was if I was a travel journalist who takes pictures and writes stories and has a blog or something. That would be my all time favorite job. But honestly, as long as I'm writing, I'll be happy, which is why I think I want my major to be journalism with a minor in creative writing.

I know I've said this so many times already, but I'm so happy. Who knew that the thought of college could make someone so happy? I also want a job too, but I don't know where I would work. I'm thinking a library would be so much fun, and there's one by my school I could walk to, but I don't know if they hire teenagers. I don't care, I'll find something. Maybe I'll work at a bookstore. I don't care, as long as I'm doing something enjoyable.


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