Jan 11, 2015

Hating School?

Sorry I haven't written anything for a while, but in all honesty, I didn't feel like I should be running this blog giving advice and tips if I absolutely hate school. I don't know, I just felt like I'd be fake if I didn't say the truth. Don't worry though, I'm still going to keep this blog, but I might only upload once a month or so. I'll try not to take too long between blog posts, and I'll try to make my posts useful.

But now it's time to sip that truth tea. If you can manage to get through your entire school career without once saying, "I hate school," then you're either Jesus or a liar, but most likely the last one. School can absolutely suck sometimes, let's be real here. And don't get me wrong, I absolutely love learning things, but I feel like the education system is all wrong. Now a days, it's more about passing and getting good grades to get into a good college to get a good job, than actually taking the time to learn. Thank the Lord I'm a really good student, otherwise I don't know what I'd do.

I know that school is hard, trust me, I know. Even if the coursework itself isn't too difficult, actually going to school is hard. I feel like I spend more time dreading school than anything. And if we're being honest here, I probably wouldn't hate school as much if I didn't have to move, but this year is supposed to teach me something. I have no idea what I'm supposed to be learning, but I know that there was a point to this move. Maybe it's easier to say that now knowing that I'm most likely moving home this summer, I don't really know. But I still have to deal with the next six months of school and sometimes I don't really know how I'm going to do it, which is why I thought of this blog post. I'm going to give some tips that help me get through the school day, and they might help you too.

If school completely overwhelms you:

1. Try to relax
It's easier than it might seem. Look at this list if you need ways to relax:

2. Take breaks
It's good for everything. Take a few ten minute breaks every once in a while to stretch your legs, get some water, or to get a snack. Let your mind wander and do something fun. Try a relaxation technique.

3. Don't push yourself
You don't need to spend all night working on homework. You just wear yourself out. Try to procrastinate less and just work on the main things that are due the next day. If you have time after finishing the things due the next day, then start working on pieces of other work that's due at a later date.

4. Music, music, music
I can't stress enough just how important music is. Make a Spotify account. Make some playlists or use theirs. Listen to music. Literally, listen to music whenever you can. I like to listen to music softly while doing homework. Bring your headphones to school and listen to music in the halls during passing periods or whatever. Literally, music is amazing.

5. Don't worry about one bad grade
If you can redo/retake it to get a better grade, do it. If not, just know that it's okay. You can't always be number one. One bad grade won't kill you. And colleges don't really truly look at every single grade. They look at the classes you took and how well you did overall. One bad grade won't kill you. You'll be okay.

6. Think of happy thoughts
Think of your favorite things. It can be whatever you want- food, sports, the future, things that make you laugh, friends,etc, etc. Try to replay happy moments of your life. I find that just thinking of a few things that I'm really excited for instantly bring a smile to my face.

7. Breathe
In and out, just like that. You can do this. You will be okay. Everything will turn out okay in the end and if it's not okay, it's not the end. You can do this.

Above all else, the last one is truly the most important. Just breathe.


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