Jan 24, 2015

Sick Days

Having the flu isn't fun, but not going to school is great. I missed all of last week due to the flu. Although the timing is awful (I go back with three days left in the semester), and I was really sick, it was nice not going to school for a week.

Sometimes you need a sick day, even if you're not necessarily "sick." In my case, I was actually sick, but sometimes you need to miss a day of school just to miss a day. Maybe you're in over your head, pulled an all-nighter working on homework, too stressed, too anxious, literally whatever the reason, sometimes you just need a break from school. And that's perfectly okay. There's no way you could possibly have perfect attendance every year of your life; it's just highly unlikely. Taking small breaks is good, just don't skip all of the time.

Some say that if you're not at school, you should still be doing schoolwork, but I say, if there's a reason you're missing from school, then you shouldn't spend all of your time working on homework. Take the time you have away from school and relax and do something you want to do. Not because you have to, but because you want to.

Taking care of your health, both mental and physical, is just as important as school. Don't let people tell you that you have to go to school every single day of every single year, no matter the circumstances. Make sure you're feeling okay before you force too much of yourself.
This has been a short little rant-ish post, but I just feel like this is important. I hope you're enjoying yourself and staying well.


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