Feb 25, 2015

Honesty Hour: What High School Is Really Like

You've seen the movies. You've read it in books. Before you get to high school, everyone has an idea of how it will be. Whether you imagine fights, the different classes, finding yourself, High School Musical, parties, etc, everyone's imagined what high school is like. Even if you hear what it's like from a person in the high school you're going to attend, you still can't imagine it until you're actually there. It's some weird phenomenon that comes with high school.

Although you're only getting my point of view of high school in this post, it's better than nothing. Plus, I've attended to VERY different high schools across the country from each other, so that also adds some insight. Now before I actually start, I feel like you should know how I work at school. I'm a very intellectual student who takes all of the higher/harder classes. I love to be challenged. I'm definitely not "popular" by any means, but I try to be a decent human being.
High school isn't an easy time. Not only do you have to worry about grades, school, college, and where your life is heading (as if that isn't bad enough), but you also have personal things going on in your life. Whatever it is, be it crushes, family problems, personal problems, health issues, anything can throw you off of your game. The key to beating this is to simply find something that your enjoy and submerge yourself fully into it. Do whatever you can to make yourself happy and healthy. That's really all that matters.

When it comes to the people in high school, some are great and some are awful. Just like with the entire human population. Some are wonderful, some are horrible. High school doesn't have to be filled with tons of drama. Honestly, I  haven't dealt with tons drama/bullies/gossip in my school career. I just don't associate with that kind of stuff. Sure, you might not be totally up to date with everything happening in the school, but that's perfectly okay, especially when that kind of stuff just hurts people. Something that is super helpful with people is to not care about what they think of you. Your self worth is not based on how others perceive you. It might take some work, but if you can learn to not care about how others think of you, you feel so much better. Most people are too worried about themselves to even think about your flaws for too long. You're great just the way you are, trust me on this.

One thing I can tell you that applies to every high school ever, is the fact that High School Musical was a movie, and not based on an actual high school experience. Nobody breaks out into unrehearsed song and dance and knows exactly what to do. Unless you're in a dance/ music class. Then you will sing and dance. But it's usually rehearsed. Anyways, don't expect magical song and dance numbers during passing periods because it's not happening.

Those are a few little insights on what high school is really like, for me at least. Maybe I'll do a part two on this topic for a future blog post, but maybe not, it all depends really.


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