Mar 29, 2015

Making Dinner For The Family

March 29, 2015 0 Comments
Today my little brother and I had a sudden strike of inspiration and decided that we wanted to cook the family dinner tonight. We found self-rising rolls in the freezer while scavenging things for lunch, so we put those out because they're delicious. Then, whilst eating lunch, we thought that we should just cook dinner for everyone.

We rummaged through the house to look for things to cook. We found chicken breasts and various chips, so we decided on chip crusted chicken chunks (which can be found easily with a simple Google search). We've made these before, and they were amazing, so we thought why not do it again. We set the chicken out to thaw for a few hours and got our plans for dinner ready.

We had lots of fun making dinner together. We ended up making three flavors of the chip crusted chicken chunks: Fritos, Sour Cream and Onion, and Spicy Sweet Chili Doritos. We also had leftover chicken breasts since we over calculated how much chicken we would need, so we put a little bit of seasoning on them and started grilling them on the stove top. Meanwhile, we were also cooking pasta, the rolls we found earlier, green beans, iceberg lettuce salad, and a fruit salad.

Cooking dinner together was filled with laughs and everything tasted delicious, if I do say so myself. It was also a great way to give back to my family. Mom didn't have to worry about finding something to make, and we even did the dishes after. It was a really good time.

I encourage you to make dinner for your family once soon. It's so rewarding, and you won't regret it. But also make sure to offer to do the dishes after as well, no matter how much you hate doing them.
Chicken and sides

The extra chicken breasts and the rolls in the background

The chip crusted chicken chunks

Pasta, chicken, sides

Green beans and the salads

Trying it all
I hope that my little brother and I will make dinner for the family again soon- it was a ton of fun and a really rewarding experience.


Mar 22, 2015

School Libraries

March 22, 2015 0 Comments
Sometimes the best place in school is the library. If you ever need a place to hide out a little during school events such as pep rallies, assembly's, lip dubs, etc, the library is always a good option if you can't leave.

Libraries are always quiet, and usually, there' not many people in there. It's a great little hiding spot where you can think and get stuff done. Want to work on homework without distractions? Go to the library. Want to be alone for a while? Go to the library. Want to find a good book? Library.
Libraries are great. Hopefully you know where your school library is and it stays open most, if not all, school day.

Sorry for such a short post, but I've been running low on inspiration lately. Hopefully I'll get it back sometime.


Mar 8, 2015


March 08, 2015 0 Comments
A picture I took of a pier boardwalk
No matter what happens in life, your perspective does matter. Take the picture above for example. If I had taken it at a different angle or focused on something else, it would be a totally different picture. Perspective is everything.

Perspective is defined as:
"a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; point of view"

Are you a pessimist? Optimist? Realist? Those are usually the three main categories of how humans perceive life. Although it's hard to change your general outlook of life, sometimes it's helpful in finding happiness. Being pessimistic about everything is draining. Take a few minutes and make a list of the better things that are happening. List what you're passionate about, what you love, what brings you joy, what calms you down, literally anything. I've started doing this recently and it's excruciating at first, especially when I don't want to like anything. But the more you do it, the more you come to terms with liking things. You can feel yourself regaining some of your happiness and it feels amazing.

"Perspective Journal"

Things you need:
-A journal of any shape or size
(or, if you don't have an extra journal lying around and don't want to go buy a new one, you can take a few sheets of paper, fold them in half, and staple it all together like the books you would make in elementary school)

Honestly, that's it. It's such a simple project. At first you might only have a few things to write down, but it gets easier the longer you do it. You don't have to write in it every single day, but at least a few times a week. Who knows, you might even find yourself thinking more positively.


Mar 1, 2015


March 01, 2015 0 Comments
I've been really slacking when it comes to blogging, and writing in general really. I say I don't have time, even if I do, or I say that I'll do it later, even if I wont. It's annoying. I feel like I have so many things that I "have" to do, but in reality, I really don't. I should be writing more than I do. But on the other hand, if I feel like this, I feel like my writing isn't as good as it should be. I keep telling myself that summer will be better, but I have to make that a reality. I can't keep doing the same stuff and then expect my habits to change drastically when summer begins.

I understand that I can't jump back into everything right away and that I have to ease into it, but that's going to take a while. I don't know how long, exactly, but it definitely won't happen overnight. I think a big part of this whole problem is that I have to fix my mind before I try to fix my writing habits. I need to find myself and happiness again first.

Although this is a short little post, I feel like y'all deserve a little insight as to why I've been posting so much less these days. I'm trying hard to fix my self, but that takes a lot of time. Hopefully one day soon I'll be back to how it was in the beginning- posting regularly and such, but until then, I hope you enjoy the posts I do post.
