Mar 8, 2015


A picture I took of a pier boardwalk
No matter what happens in life, your perspective does matter. Take the picture above for example. If I had taken it at a different angle or focused on something else, it would be a totally different picture. Perspective is everything.

Perspective is defined as:
"a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; point of view"

Are you a pessimist? Optimist? Realist? Those are usually the three main categories of how humans perceive life. Although it's hard to change your general outlook of life, sometimes it's helpful in finding happiness. Being pessimistic about everything is draining. Take a few minutes and make a list of the better things that are happening. List what you're passionate about, what you love, what brings you joy, what calms you down, literally anything. I've started doing this recently and it's excruciating at first, especially when I don't want to like anything. But the more you do it, the more you come to terms with liking things. You can feel yourself regaining some of your happiness and it feels amazing.

"Perspective Journal"

Things you need:
-A journal of any shape or size
(or, if you don't have an extra journal lying around and don't want to go buy a new one, you can take a few sheets of paper, fold them in half, and staple it all together like the books you would make in elementary school)

Honestly, that's it. It's such a simple project. At first you might only have a few things to write down, but it gets easier the longer you do it. You don't have to write in it every single day, but at least a few times a week. Who knows, you might even find yourself thinking more positively.


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