May 14, 2015

It's Okay NOT To Have Perfect Grades

Most people want the perfect 4.0, 100, straight A's, etc etc, and I totally understand that, I want that too. However, I'm starting to realize that it's okay not to be perfect, as long as you're trying. Now, I'm not saying that grades aren't important, they totally are, but it's not the end of the world if you end up having a B in a class. Getting one bad grade won't hurt you. In fact, having a somewhat lower grade in a harder level class can actually be for your benefit. For example, say you took Pre-AP (or honors) Chemistry and you're getting an 87 in the class. Although yes, you want the A, it's better than taking regular chemistry and getting an 99 in the class. Colleges don't just look at your GPA and grades, they look at your course load and how well you're doing with the classes overall.

Also, having a lower grade in a class does NOT make you stupid. Some people don't understand or like a particular subject, and that's totally okay. If you're not good at art, *cough* me *cough* nobody will ridicule you for it and it will simply just "not be your thing." However, some people don't apply the same logic to other classes such as English, Math, History, Science, all of the required courses, etc etc. This irritates me because then the person is labeled as "stupid," when in reality they just don't get that subject. For me, having an 85 in ceramics is killing me, since I hate that it's my one B, but I'm learning to just accept it. I'm trying my hardest, and that's all that matters. When I apply to colleges, they won't look at my transcript and think, "Oh no, she got an 85 in ceramics, she obviously can't be accepted." No. They won't. I'm a writer. I write. I want to be a journalist, an author, a blogger, a writer. I don't see myself making clay pots for my career. It's simply something I'm just okay at. And that might be you with something else.

Sometimes, you just have to be happy with the fact that you're trying and learning, so who cares what anyone else thinks. To me, trying is everything. Effort shows through far brighter than anything else.

Upon having this realization, it's been weird to think about, almost scary even. I'm a really good student (my GPA is a 3.8), and I excel in school, so the thought of not getting really good grades kind of scares me, I'm not going to lie. The thought of getting a C in a class is appalling to me. I allow myself to have one B a year, because I know that there will be at least one class in which getting an A would be harder for me. I gave myself this little break when I received my first B (an 89, so close yet so far to that 90 A) in a pre-algebra class in seventh grade. Throughout middle school (seventh and eighth grade), My B was pre-algebra and algebra one. Granted, the "B" was nearly an A, as I had anywhere from an 88-93 average for the two years, but some grading periods it just wanted to stay an 89. Then, I did geometry last year and I hated it. I praised my 85 average. The funny thing though is that this year, my algebra two grade has been a high A all year, so I guess I'm finally back on good terms with math.

I think it's good to allow yourself one or two (or three, whatever you want) "lower" grades a year. Lord knows that if I forced myself to have straight A's, especially during high school, I would probably already have a head full of gray hair. Allowing yourself grace times to be a human and not some robot genius is good. Challenge yourself, but know your limits.


Music recommendation: Technicolour Beat by Oh Wonder
Here's a link to it on YouTube: Technicolour Beat by Oh Wonder

It's such a great song, my friend Court suggested it to me and I've been listening to it nonstop. I love it.

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