May 7, 2015


Growing up, I read a lot. I mean a LOT. I was always reading and it was fantastic. But for the past few years, especially since I entered high school, I've found that I don't read that often anymore. I simply "don't have the time" (yet I find the time to mindlessly scroll Tumblr for hours...). In all honesty, I have plenty of time- I have all of the time in the world, yet I simply just spend all of that time on the internet.

I wanted to change this habit, so last year for one of my goals I wanted to read at least 100 books. Yeah, that totally didn't happen. I had the intention to, I really did, but alas I had a ton of homework and was constantly on the internet. I think I read a total of about ten books last year, nowhere near the hundred that I wanted to read. 

I'm proud to say though that this year, I've read about thirteen books so far! That's three more than I read in all twelve months last year. Bringing books to school really helps. You never know when you're not going to do anything in class, and having a book you actually want to read on hand is a lifesaver.

Granted, I am a naturally fast reader and I love everything about reading, so it's definitely nice being able to just read and save my phone battery sometimes. Reading is a nice way to escape the real world and dive into a world that someone else has created. As long as I'm reading, I'm not thinking about life, I'm just focused on my book. It's truly one of the best feelings.

I've been thinking about doing a few book reviews on here just for fun, so I might just do that soon (or not, who knows). But, if I don't do reviews, I'll definitely try to list some of my favorite books and such every once in a while.


My favorite books I've read so far this year:

The Giver- Lois Lowry 

Any of Ellen Degeneres' books 

We Should Hang Out Sometime- Josh Sundquist

And anything by John Green

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy reading too and wish I had more time. And, like you, I realize I waste a lot of time doing other things like Facebook. :)
    Have you read The Divergent series? I enjoyed them.
