Jul 8, 2015

Four in the Morning

July 08, 2015 0 Comments
I've discovered that my favorite part of the day is the middle of the night. There's something truly calming about the hours between midnight and eight in the morning. I think it's mainly the fact that not too many people are awake. The world is quiet and magical.

It's a summer tradition of mine is to stay up all night at least once over the summer doing something I enjoy. One summer, I was staying up and binge watching Pretty Little Liars. Last summer, I binge watched all of Troye Sivan's YouTube videos. A few days ago, I was up all night reading an awful  fanfic. It was fun, even the times where I cried and the times when I punched my bed in furry. Still fun though. Kind of.

But my favorite part of all of these nights was watching the sun start to flicker through the blinds and into my room. I'm the type of person who likes sunrises, but I'm never up to see them unless I stay up all night and managed to catch it before I pass out. Hearing and seeing the world wake up makes me feel alive. For some reason, when I'm up at the brink of dawn, this overwhelming peace settles over me. I feel happy, just truly happy. I also feel closer to God. Just watching His creation wake up and come to life is something truly wonderful.

Other than that, July has been pretty interesting so far. On the fourth, we had all of the family over and we lit off fireworks and stuff. The fireworks were terrifying, as I was constantly worried that the person lighting them would accidentally knock it over and it would explode and come towards us. Thankfully, that didn't happen though. But fireworks are extremely loud. It sounded like we were under attack, it was just constant booms and bright lights.

Yesterday was the 7th of July, which is my little brother and my uncle's birthday, so we had a celebration for them. We went out to dinner with the entire family and then went back to our house for dessert and presents. All my brother wanted was the X-Box One, so my mom and I wrapped a whole bunch of little random things and stuck one dollar bills to them to try to make it seem as if he didn't actually get it. He's such a good person that he was actually pleased and excited with everything he got, and then he opened his last gift, which my grandparents made a scavenger hunt to find his new X-Box. After getting clues and searching all over the house and yard, he found his X-Box in the boat and he yelled with joy. It was great.

I don't have much planned for the rest of the month until Vidcon in two weeks, in which I might blog once before and once after, but maybe just after, I don't know. I'm so excited for Vidcon omg. I get to meet internet friends and some of my favorite YouTubers and I may or may not cry. I still have no idea what I'm wearing or anything, but I don't leave for California until the 21st, so I still have some time. Either way, I know it will be the best three days of my life
