Aug 23, 2015

Moving and Back to School

Another year, another move across the country. Okay, that makes it seem like we move each year, but we actually don't. Just the last two summers. But now I'm back in the lovely state of Texas and I'm not moving out of this state until after college when I want to move to England, but that's a story for another day.

We've gotten to the point where moving is pretty easy for us. A lot of our stuff was still partially in boxes except for the stuff in our rooms, so all we had to do was just organize the boxes and pack everything. We packed all of our stuff in around two days, then it took about a day and a half to load the POD, and then we were done and sleeping on mats until we moved.

My little brother and I flew out on the 11th of August, and since we were unaccompanied minors, we got extra attention and those media players for free. It was fantastic. The flight flew by pretty quickly, which was nice. We sat next to a nicer older lady who just read the entire flight, so that was good. My favorite part of flying is the takeoff and landing, as it's filled with adrenaline and excitement. Plus the plane goes really fast, so that's a plus. But, I figured out that I also kind of enjoy turbulence on a flight. I don't know why, but it makes it seem more fun and daring. I'm pretty sure not many others would agree with me, but hey, I like it and that's all that matters.

The last week or so has just consisted of unpacking, organizing, and getting stuff set up. My room is almost done- I'm just waiting on a piano. I found one on craigslist that we're getting and it comes either tomorrow or Tuesday, so then once I have it, my room will be complete. I might post pictures once it's done, but I might not, who knows. My room has a travel theme to it, and my furniture pieces like my desk, bed frame, bookshelf, etc, are all white, which gives a clean feel to my room. I want new bed sheets that have a travel theme, but I'm waiting for my birthday in October to get them. I really like the feel of my room, it's really nice.

Something I'm definitely not ready for is school to start tomorrow. I'm entering my junior year of high school, and it's supposed to be the hardest. I'm taking multiple AP classes, plus I have to take the SAT/ACT later and make some of the best grades I can since this will be the year that will be on my transcript when I apply to college next fall. Thank God I already know which college I want to go to, so I don't really have to worry about that as much, but it's still pretty stressful.

It's not even so much that I'm not ready for school, as I'm actually pretty excited to get back to school and learn stuff, I just know that the workload is going to be insane, Plus, I would enjoy a little bit longer summer, since I didn't get out of school back in Washington until June 18th and my friends back in Texas got out June 4th or something. But, at least this will give me a regular schedule back, so that's a good thing I guess.


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