Aug 1, 2015

VidCon 2015 Overview

Last week was the 6th annual VidCon and I was able to go. I had the best week of my entire life while at VidCon. Not only did I get to meet so many of my favorite youtubers and internet friends, but the entire atmosphere of the convention was amazing. Most people were vlogging the entire time, which was pretty funny at times because you'd just look and see hundreds to thousands of people talking to a camera. This was my first VidCon, but I'm definitely going to go again.

If you're a parent reading this little post and trying to decide if you should allow your child to go to VidCon or not, please let them go- you can even go with if you want (you just have to buy a ticket). Even though there was about 20,000 people, it was so well organized and secure. There was tons of security and staff everywhere, plus info booths and a first aid station with a Registered Nurse. My mom and little brother accompanied me as my mom was a bit nervous sending me alone to VidCon, and even she was totally impressed by the whole event.

The day before VidCon officially starts, you can go and check in to get your badge, guide, and bag filled with different things. Check in opened at noon and it went by super quickly. If you had your QR code that they emailed you printed out, you just showed it to them and they scanned it before giving you your badge and signing wristbands. After getting all checked in, you would go and pick up your bag and event guide on your way out. Once I was finished, I met up with some friends for the first time and it was so much fun seeing them all in person. I would go to VidCon just for the ability to hug all of my friends because there's nothing like the feeling of finally meeting someone you've been talking to for so long.

The first official day of VidCon is filled with excitement. I got to the convention center around nine in the morning and explored the expo halls for a while before heading to an event I wanted to go see. The entire event has this laid back/chilled type of atmosphere to it. Even though it's packed full of fangirls and creators alike, everyone is super kind and easy going. The opening ceremony is one of the main events of the day, and it really gives of feel of what VidCon is all about. From Tyler Oakley releasing his book cover to Miranda Sings dancing around, it's definitely not something you want to miss, even though I missed most of it because I had a signing, but I wish I could have gone to it.

The second day of VidCon was the busiest for me. I had stuff I wanted to do all day long, with the first event I had planned starting at 9:30 am, so I got to the convention center right around when it opened at eight so I could have enough time to wander the expo halls some more. I did so much stuff on the second day, but it was definitely one of the most fun. While my brother left me for a few hours to go to his signings, I met up with some friends and walked around before heading to a panel. There's a difference between watching a panel of your favorite people with your mom and brother and watching a panel of your favorite people with your internet friends. I loved being able to watch this panel with my friends because it was basically just an hour of us fangirling, laughing, and taking as many pictures as humanly possible when our fave came on the screen. It was a great experience and it just furthered our bond being able to be total dorks around each other.

The last day of Vidcon was the least busy for me. The first thing I wanted to see didn't start until two, so I didn't get there until noon. It felt so nice to be able to sleep in and actually have time to wake up, get ready, and eat something. Although I missed the closing ceremony due to a signing, I at least watched everyone live tweet it, which is just as good. If I don't have a scheduling conflict like a signing again next year, I'll definitely make sure that I make it to the closing ceremony because I heard it was really good, plus Troye Sivan announced his album "Wild," which I'm beyond excited for.

I have so much to talk about when it comes to VidCon, so I'm going to try to upload once everyday until I've said everything I wanted to say about it. I have it planned out already, and I might write a few of the drafts now while I'm still up. Also, as I just watched the clock change to midnight, happy August everyone!!


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