Sep 13, 2015

Back to School: Junior Year

I still can't really believe that I'm already a junior. Ah yes, the lovely junior year of high school. According to most people, this is supposed to be the hardest year of high school. Not only do you have multiple AP classes, but this is also the only year that actually counts when it comes to college because this will be the year that colleges look at on your transcripts. Let's not forget about having to take the SAT/ACT later in the year. Yes, I understand how junior year is the most stressful, but I'm trying not to worry about it so much just yet.

I haven't gotten completely overwhelmed yet, and I'd like it to stay that way. I'm already following APUSH help accounts on Twitter and Tumblr as I know that they'll come in handy by the time the AP test rolls around. So far, I really like APUSH (AP US History). My teacher is fantastic and makes it seem more interesting. He also gives us mnemonics and things to help us retain all of the information, which I like as it makes studying a whole lot easier. 

This year, I'm taking three AP courses (APUSH, WHAP {AP World History}, and English), Pre-AP Precalculus, regular Physics, Varsity choir, aerobics, and journalism. I would have taken a Pre-AP Physics instead of on-level, but my school only offers regular and AP and I've never taken it before, so I stuck with regular. I think this is the first on-level class I've ever taken, and it's super easy so far. Precal on the other hand, is not my favorite, but I'll survive I hope. 

I know that this is a shorter post, but it's getting late and I have school in the morning. Hopefully I'll update again before the end of the month and update you a bit more. 


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