Nov 30, 2015

Quick Hello

November 30, 2015 0 Comments
This is going to be a quick post because I can't go an entire month without posting something, but also nothing significant has happened and I still can't make myself write..

What's happened this month? Not much. I tried doing the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) this year for the first time ever and I made it three days in before I gave up. But hey, that's four thousand more words than I've written in a while. I had a choir concert, a piano concert, Thanksgiving break, and now I'm back in school. December starts tomorrow and in all honesty, I'm just waiting until Christmas break.

Listen, I know this is short, but it's not like people read this, plus I do it for myself and I'm really only doing this post because I can't go a month without posting. Sorry I'm bad at blogging, but junior year is intense. So many AP classes, so little time. Hopefully I'll be back soon, but definitely before 2016.


Nov 1, 2015


November 01, 2015 0 Comments
Okay, okay, I know I haven't blogged in about ten thousand years, but in my defense, I've been busy and still haven't had the motivation. I don't know what's up, but yeah. Basically, October, my favorite month of the entire year, has whizzed past and somehow it's nearly over (I only have under an hour left). This had been a really good month for me actually. Not only is the weather cooler, but I'm also now a year older than I was the last time I wrote. 

Turning 17 is weird because it's the year nothing happens. When you're 16, you can get your license and when you're 18, you're considered an adult, but 17 is just another year. It was my golden birthday this year though, so I guess that counts for something exciting. I had a party the day before my birthday with a few friends and I had such a nice time full of laughter and chicken nuggets. My actual birthday was super chill. It was on a Saturday this year, so I got to sleep in, avoid any responsibilities, and lay around watching movies all day. It was super nice, plus I got tons of lovely things from my family and friends. I think one of my favorite things is my new bedspread, which has a bunch of passport stamps on it. It's super pretty and it makes my room look nice.

Although the leaves haven't changed color and fallen yet, it has rained a bit recently, and I'm 100 percent okay with that. I love the rain so much; I don't really know how to describe it. I leave my window open and just sit and listen to the water droplets fall outside and allow the cool breeze to flow past my face. If there's one thing I love more than rain, it's thunderstorms, and we've gotten a few of those lately as well. I find rain to be extremely peaceful and nice.

This month has been a pretty big book publishing month, especially for YouTubers. Dan and Phil, Tyler Oakley, Zoella, and PewDiePie all released books this month, and I finished both BINGE and The Amazing Book Is Not On Fire fairly quickly and my love for the authors has only grown. Although I don't have plans to read PewDiePie and Zoe's books, I'm still proud of Team Internet as a whole for their accomplishments this month. Speaking of Team Internet, Troye Sivan started his first tour this month, and I'm so proud of him. He also announced his debut album Blue Neighbourhood for preorder (coming out November 4th) and has been accomplishing great things. I'm extremely proud of the people I love the most.

I went to a pumpkin patch sometime this month and let me just tell you: I love pumpkins. Normal pumpkins are great and all, but if you really want to win my heart, get me a tiny pumpkin. You know those little baby ones you can get for $2? Yeah, those are by far my favorite pumpkins, and when we went to the pumpkin patch, I got three to decorate my room. I always love pumpkin patches. I don't know, they just make me really happy and I become energetic so it's nice.

My family and I celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving for the first time ever (which is funny because my dad, his brothers, and their entire family were born in Canada) and it was actually pretty nice. I don't know what I was expecting, since we've never celebrated it before, but it was just like the normal American Thanksgiving, just with more maple leaves and a month earlier. I had a good time, so that's all that really matters.

I've gotten the travel bug really bad lately, and I want to go explore somewhere soon. Whether that somewhere is Dallas or Austin, I don't know, I just want to go. Currently, New York is at the top of my list (at least for places in the United States), and I've been looking at flights and just dreaming about visiting.

Now that October is over, there's just Thanksgiving standing in the way before Christmas and then 2016 wow.
