Nov 30, 2015

Quick Hello

This is going to be a quick post because I can't go an entire month without posting something, but also nothing significant has happened and I still can't make myself write..

What's happened this month? Not much. I tried doing the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) this year for the first time ever and I made it three days in before I gave up. But hey, that's four thousand more words than I've written in a while. I had a choir concert, a piano concert, Thanksgiving break, and now I'm back in school. December starts tomorrow and in all honesty, I'm just waiting until Christmas break.

Listen, I know this is short, but it's not like people read this, plus I do it for myself and I'm really only doing this post because I can't go a month without posting. Sorry I'm bad at blogging, but junior year is intense. So many AP classes, so little time. Hopefully I'll be back soon, but definitely before 2016.


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