Dec 31, 2015

2016 Goals

December 31, 2015 0 Comments
As 2015 comes to a close, I've spent most of the day reflecting on the past year and looking ahead to the next. If I'm being honest, 2016 looks pretty scary and full of responsibility. I'll be finishing Junior year, taking the SAT/ACT, starting senior year, applying to colleges, getting jobs, turning 18 at the end of the year, and so much more. I almost don't want to think about 2016, I just want to remain a kid. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to move on with life and do all of this grown up stuff, but I never thought it would actually happen; it always seemed really far away. 

While reflecting on 2015, I get really emotional because this truly was the best year of my life so far. I almost can't believe the year I've had, as everything was really calm and happy. I got to meet Tyler Oakley and go to his slumber party tour, I got to go to my favorite lake and relax, I got to go to California and attend VidCon where I met so many amazing internet friends and YouTubers such as Dan and Phil (danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil), Ben J. Pierce (kidpov), PJ Liguori (kickthepj), Chris Kendall (crabstickz), and so many more. Vidcon was by far the highlight of my year. Not only did I get to meet so many amazing people, but I got to go to California, and hang out with friends, and it was truly amazing. I can't wait to get back to VidCon 2016 in June. After VidCon, I went camping, moved back home to Texas, started Junior year, made more friends, accepted myself for who I am, and so much more. This past year has been the best year for me so far, and every time I reflect back on it, I get emotional and kind of weepy, but in a good way. I can only hope that 2016 has bigger and better things in store for me.

In February, I made a blog post explaining a few of my goals for 2015 (here) and now I want to look back on those goals and set more goals for 2016. I always set goals instead of resolutions, because I feel like resolutions are kind of cheesy and never really work, while you can always aspire to reach your goals. Looking over that blog post, I realized that I reached all of my goals except getting a passport. I wrote more, I read more, I took more pictures, I saved (and spent) more, and I learned how to find joy in the little things. This year, I have a few more goals to add.

2016 Goals

1. Leave the country at least once, or at least get a passport

2. Practice French more
I find that French is a really pretty language, and I've had the Duolingo app for a while and have practiced it a little, so I have very basic French skills. This year I want to up my fluency rate and practice more.

3. Go to State for my piano competition
Each year I have a regional piano competition, and if I make a superior, I advance onto state. I've always made a superior or superior plus,so that's not a problem, but I hope I can take the trip to state once I make it. I went two years ago, and it was one of my favorite trips.

4. Do well on the SAT/ACT/AP tests
This year is my last semester of Junior year and the first semester of Senior year, so it's time to start taking these tests and in the fall, starting the application process.

5. Keep a bullet journal going
I've seen so many Tumblr posts about bullet journals, so I finally bought one to try. I don't think I'm going to use it as an agenda, since I already have one I use for school, but I've set it up already and I quite like the idea of having everything in one place. I might do a blog post about it in the next few days, because I think it's a really cool idea.

6. Hang out with friends more
One of my biggest flaws is that I hardly ever have anyone over because I have school and then homework, and by the time the weekend comes around, I really just want two days to stay in bed and not see anyone and kind of de-stress from school. This year, I want to try to invite friends over more often, even if we just watch a movie together or something, it's always nice hanging out with friends.

As you can see, I have many goals for 2016, but this isn't all of them. I have so many things that I want to achieve this year, and I want it to be just as amazing as 2015, if not better. Here's to 2016.
