Dec 30, 2016

Goodbye 2016

December 30, 2016 0 Comments
I know most people think 2016 was the year of absolute shit, but in all honesty, my personal 2016 was pretty great. I went to so many concerts, met a ton of people, learned to accept my sexuality, and so much more. I was scrolling through my instagram earlier and looking back at everything I did this year, and it was a lot. Sure, it wasn't all great, but a lot of it was, and I think it's really important to look at the positive. So without further ado, strap yourselves in for possibly the longest post ever, with tons of pictures as I take you on a journey through my 2016.

  • Tried to bullet journal (I kept it up for a few months before completely flopping)
  • Went up and explored Dallas a bit with mom and older brother; went up the Reunion tower and got a great city view, walked around downtown, then made our way to a little antique shop where I got my ukulele

  • Regional Piano Competition (I got a Superior +) then drove over and explored Fort Worth a bit after with family

  • Found a cute lil coffee shop
  • Found a place that sells all sorts of things from England
  • Troye Sivan Blue Neighbourhood concert at the House of Blues (I met so many wonderful friends here and he put on a great show)
  • St. Patty's Day (nothing extraordinary, it's just my favorite holiday)
  • Dyed some Easter Eggs
  • Easter

  • Went and took some pictures of a pretty Buddhist temple
  • Got a haircut
  • Got some succulents

  • Got rear ended for the first time
  • Took three AP tests
  • Went to State level piano competition
  • Road trip to Austin
  • Took a tour of UT Austin (my dream school)
  • Became a Starbucks Gold Card member


  • A Busy month
  • VidCon 2016
  • California in general
  • Spent so much time with so many friends
  • Met Thomas Sanders, Hannah Hart, Mamrie Hart, Dodie Clark, Evan Edinger, Martyn Lester, and some TMNT
  • Got to hang out with my best friend that I met through Twitter (and for her bday too!)
  • I got to meet her dog omg you guys her dog is so precious
  • Plane rides to/from California
  • Beautiful
  • My favorite month
  • A good month
  • Went and explored LA
  • Went to The Amazing Tour Is Not On Fire (TATINOF) in Costa Mesa, California
Landing in Cali

Dodie and I

Evan and I

Idk why the TMNT were there, but I'm not complaining

Hannah and I

Mamrie and I

Martyn and I

Thomas and I

Plane ride back home

  • Panic! at the Disco concert
  • Went back to Seattle and visited family
  • Explored Seattle and went to Pike Place Market, Moore Coffee Shop, and walked around downtown for a bit before heading up to Kerry Park for a great city view
  • Nice and relaxing after a busy June

  • Got my senior yearbook pictures taken
  • First day of Senior year
  • Broods concert and meet and greet


  • Pumpkin Spice everything back in stock
  • Went to the homecoming game with my best friend
  • Found Carlo's Bakery in Dallas
  • Got my first job at Party City

  • Oh Wonder concert and meet and greet (also met Kevin Garrett, the opening act)
  • Turned 18, skipped school and went to Build-A-Bear
  • Worked a lot, made some moolah (money)
  • Troye Sivan Suburbia Tour with my best friend

  • Voted
  • Got a tattoo

  • Christmas
  • Hit 10,000 words on a story I'm writing
  • Lots and lots of relaxing

Wow, that was a lot. So yeah, as you can see, I had a really good 2016. Most of these pictures can be found on my instagram, which you can follow here. I know on a global scale with things like Brexit and Trump getting elected, 2016 can look pretty terrible, but I really enjoyed this year. There were bumpy moments, but overall, I was really content this year. Besides taking way too many sunset pictures and listening to 37,839 minutes of music on Spotify, I was able to learn and accept myself as I am and accept my sexuality this year. Although I'm still not out to any of my friends irl, I am out to my mom and all my friends online, and everyone's been so supportive and lovely.

With 2016 coming to a close, I find myself excited and nervous for the future. I have to graduate high school and go off to college next year, plus who knows what else, but I also know I'll make some lovely memories with lovely people. I hope you guys are having a wonderful new year celebration.

See you next year.
