Apr 3, 2016

I've Done Nothing

April 03, 2016 0 Comments
Since my very first post in September of 2013, I have managed to post at least one post every single month. Until now. I didn't post a single thing in March. I half wrote one post talking about my love for the movie Inside Out, but I was soon distracted and abandoned the post, and then for the rest of the month I couldn't think of anything. It also didn't help that my computer just completely froze up and died (and still hasn't been fized yet-I've been using my dad's computer for three weeks now), so that also led to the lack of posting. Before I knew it, April was upon us, and I realized that I forgot to blog.

In all honesty, the title is a lie. I did stuff in March, I just don't know how to explain it. I went to see Troye Sivan in concert last month and I had one of the most amazing nights of my life, but for some reason I couldn't quite put my emotions into words. Same with the Special Olympics. I had such an amazing time outside all day and cheering on my buddy, but I feel like that's all I could say because that's all I did all day and I can't talk about my buddy because of confidentiality stuff, but I love Special Olympics and that experience is something I will never forget. I've also done a lot of homework over the past month. Too much homework for such a distracted person. Take today for example: I did absolutely no homework this weekend. Granted, I don't have anything due tomorrow, but I sure as heck have a ton of stuff due on Tuesday and Thursday. I could've worked ahead at least a little bit, but my utter lack of motivation stopped me.

Speaking of homework, AP exams are happening soon, and we've already started reviewing for most classes- especially in APUSH. I'm not too worried about the APUSH AP exam, since it is mostly fact-based and my teacher uses mnemonics to help us retain the information, but I am worried about doing everything within the time limit. It's the same thing for English- I know all of the material, I just am worried about the time limit.

What else has been new? I have no idea. Remember that bullet journal I was talking about and how much I loved it? Yeah, that fell apart after two months, like it literally started falling apart. I bought a cheap-ish notebook (like $6 at Target) and it wasn't a spiral bound it was just a normal bound notebook, but the pages kept falling out and that annoyed me. Also, the pages themselves were weird. So basically, there won't be a bullet journal post. I feel like it would have worked really well if  had a different notebook, but hey I tried it so that's nice.

I've found out that I love cooking shows. Especially competitive ones or anything including Gordon Ramsey. I mean, who doesn't enjoy watching a British man cursing for 45 minutes? I don't know about you, but I personally love it. I was watching Kitchen Nightmares and I like watching how people react to different things. But the nice thing was how the restaurant owners start out hating Gordon, but then in the end they're so grateful that he came. I also enjoyed watching Worst Cooks In America, Chopped, and Cutthroat Kitchen, but sadly I've watched all of them on Netflix.

This was really just a random stream of consciousness post, and I'm hoping to have something else up by the end of the month, but who knows. Until next time, I hope you're having a wonderful day.
