May 31, 2016

Junior Year Reflections

May 31, 2016 0 Comments
I only have three more days left of my junior year, and the prospect of being a senior and applying to colleges and all of that is utterly terrifying, to say the least.

Some of my friends are already booking senior pictures, and we're still juniors! I know what I want to do with my life, and I'm STILL freaking out about senior year and all of those responsibilities. My course load for next year is filled with AP classes so that I don't have to pay as much for college, but at least I requested an off period as well.

Not only am I going to be a senior and applying for colleges, but I'll also be getting a job and praying I don't go bald or grow gray hair from stress. Sure, there will be fun things next year, but I'm honestly just hoping I can breeze through it without too much stress.

Senior year aside, this post is meant to reflect on my past year as a high school junior. People constantly say that junior year is the hardest, but in all honesty, I didn't find it too bad. Sure, there were definitely stressful moments, but nothing too bad. I heard APUSH would be the hardest class I ever take, but my teacher was great and I ended up with an A in the class. As long as you did the work, it wasn't a difficult class, and that applies to everything: do your work, and you'll pass.

My junior year was a lowkey year. I spent most of the time laying low and trying to get good grades. I didn't have mounds of homework every night, and some nights I had none at all. Being on a block schedule really helped too, as it allowed me to schedule out my homework instead of having it all on one night.

Overall, my junior year was pretty good. There were ups and downs, but it definitely wasn't the worst. I'm just excited for summer to be honest. I need the three month break filled with travel and concerts.


May 1, 2016

Exam Season is Upon Us

May 01, 2016 0 Comments
It's May tomorrow, so you know what that means: AP Exams. Yay.. But in all reality, these next two weeks are going to be intense. I have three AP tests that I've signed up for, and I just realized that I also happened to sign up for the SAT the day after the APUSH exam. Fantastic. In all honesty, I'm just ready to get these next two weeks over with.

On the plus side, all of my homework is done except for the basic studying for exams and stuff, so that's good. Yesterday, I finally turned in my very last guided reading for APUSH and I've never been so happy.

With all of these exams coming up, it's important for me to remember to stay calm and to procrastinate less. That being said, the chance of me not procrastinating is fairly low, but maybe if I post this I'll actually feel motivated to do it.

Listen, I'm watching Friends and it's nearly midnight, so this is going to be short, but I'll post tomorrow maybe gotta blast and continue on the tradition of being a bad blogger.
