Jun 17, 2016

3 AM Thoughts

June 17, 2016 0 Comments
Thanks to the school year ending, my sleeping schedule is completely messed up. The other day, I pulled my first successful all nighter and managed to stay up for 29 hours before crashing and getting 20 hours of sleep. Since then, I've basically become nocturnal- not a good thing for someone going on vacation next week to California and attending Vidcon, a three day YouTube convention. 

Thanks to my now nearly nocturnal habits, I've found myself awake in the middle of the night with my thoughts. It's actually really nice and relaxing, since nobody is awake and it's just me, my book, and my thoughts (this new schedule is the perfect reading time! I can read uninterrupted for hours, and I've gotten more reading done in the past week than I have in the past year- it's delightful!). I've realized that my thoughts can be fairly random and not gonna lie, they're hilarious, so I've started writing them down in my notes. Today, I've decided to share a few of my favorites.

 I want to experience an earthquake. Does the earth rumble and roll? 

Do iguanas have feelings in their tails?

Why don't more people smile at others?

What was the first word spoken?

Do camels feel the weight of their humps?

How are my Webkinz doing?

How are all of my old online accounts doing?

What happens to the things we throw away

Why did I think I would run into quicksand more often than I do?

Why was Indiana Jones afraid of snakes?

Why do I remember that he was afraid of snakes?

How is Elmo doing these days?


Do you think the Whig party called their wigs whigs?

What was Blue's last clue?

Why does my head start to feel the pressure of my brain after a while?

What happened to Barney?

Wait, didn't Barney hide drugs in his tail?

Or was that a rumor?

Why am I so funny?

What would happen if humans had tails?

Would we be able to control them?

When will the US get their head out of their asses and tighten gun control laws?

On that note, it seems like a good place to stop and discuss the latest happenings in America recently. As many of you know, the largest shooting in American history occurred on June 12th in Orlando, Florida. A man walked into a gay club and opened fire, killing 49 people. Not only was this a direct attack on the LGBTQA+ community, but it was an attack on America. President Obama called it an act of terror AND an act of hate. It was devastating, especially since Christina Grimmie was shot and killed the day before in the same city. As a member of the LGBTQA+ community, this attack hit far too close to home. The youngest person killed was only 18 and had just graduated. The guns laws in this country are way to lax, and I think we should take action.

There was a 15 hour long filibuster in Congress yesterday, ending in them deciding to do something about gun control, but that isn't enough. I urge you to contact your representative and tell them how you feel about gun control. I watched Hannah Hart's newest video (which you can watch here) and felt inspired by her call to action and contacted my representative and told them my thoughts. It felt empowering to know that my voice was going to be heard and that I could do something- and I'm only 17!

I know that you probably didn't plan on this post becoming so political, but this is a topic that hits close to my heart, and it's honestly scary, so anything helps. If you just take the time to watch the video and/or contact your representative, we can help bring on change in this dark world. I'll also attach links below on how to contact your representative.

Thank you for reading and hopefully taking action!


Enjoy these snaps from my snapchat the other night when I was thinking these thoughts: