Aug 22, 2016

Back to School Blues

August 22, 2016 0 Comments
Today is my last day of summer. Tomorrow, I embark on the journey that is my senior year of high school. If we're being completely honest here, I woke up in a panic this morning just thinking about school starting, so Lord knows how I'll act tomorrow...

Honestly, I'm not excited to get back to school. Going back just means that you have to accept the homework and grades and environment- the whole sha-bang. Plus, senior year is filled with more expenses and the looming fact that college is just a year away. I've already started on college applications and planned some of the essays, but I haven't written an actual essay yet, and I really don't want to think about it. Yes, college is important, and yes I want to go, but I also just want to stay in bed and sleep for a few more years, or until forever.

People keep telling me that senior year will be my best one yet, but I call bullshit. There's no way on earth that the most stressful year can be your best. What's so different about senior year that makes it great? Prom? The title of being a senior? Off periods? (Granted, off periods are the best thing that have ever happened to me.) What is so great about it? I don't know, maybe I'm just being cynical and I'll look back on this post in a year and think about deleting it, but going into senior year just makes my heart pound, and not in a good way.

While the stress of preparing for college and the rest of my life looms over me, I also know that I will find ways to make this a great year. Like having off periods. At first, I didn't have any because my brother and I go to the same school and he's only a sophomore, so it didn't make sense to make so many trips to school and back, but when I talked to my mom about it, we had a nice little chat and decided I should drop the two extraneous AP classes and get my first and last period off, so I don't start until around 9:26 am and I get to leave around 2:50 pm instead of staying from 8:30 am until 3:45 pm.

What about you? How was your senior year? Was it stressful? Easy? Do tell (and hopefully leave some words of advice) in the comments section below. Hopefully this will be a good year for me.


Also, look at my senior pictures proofs.. Can you believe this I'm actually graduating next year.

Aug 13, 2016

Exploring Seattle

August 13, 2016 0 Comments

Last month, I went to Washington state to visit family, and one of the days we went and explored Seattle. I freaking love cities, especially Seattle. If you ever get the chance, I highly recommend you go and explore downtown Seattle at least once in your life. Although busy, the Pike Place Market is so much fun and there's so many cool shops inside.

We started off our Seattle adventure with some coffee, since Seattle is known as the coffee capital of the world since it's the birthplace of Starbucks. But I didn't want to go to Starbucks. No, if I was going to have coffee (which I desperately needed considering how early we woke up), I was going to have a coffee with some cute ass latte art. Seattle has tons of coffee places, but Moore Coffee is well known for their latte art and conveniently only a block or two from the market.

The coffee shop is right next to the Moore Theatre (where I actually met Tyler Oakley on his Slumber Party Tour last year), and it's a small shop, but definitely worth it. The inside was decorated so cutely, there were pictures everywhere, a virtual fire place going, and the place where you add sugar and stuff to your coffee was on a painted dresser. The whole shop had a simple homey quality to it. Although fairly busy, the wait wasn't too long, and we found a table to sit and enjoy our drinks. I also really liked the big cups the coffee came in, there's just something so nice about sipping coffee out of a large, round mug. Each latte comes with a random design and a little bite of chocolate. For our designs, my brother got an octopus and I got a cat. In all honesty, I'm not a fan of the foam on lattes, I just like the design, so after my first few sips I scraped as much foam as I could onto my place, but the coffee underneath the foam was delicious.

They also had little stickers look how cute
The tables make the aesthetic ten times better

Once we finished our drinks, we walked the two blocks down to the market to do some more exploring. I don't know what it is about cities, but they make me really happy and I just feel really safe and content in cities, especially large ones. It's so weird to say that, considering most people avoid cities because they make them nervous. Also, considering I have intense anxiety and get nervous over literally nothing, that's another reason my love for cities is a bit odd. I can't explain it really, they just sort of put me at ease and I want to live in some of the biggest cities in the world- London, New York/Manhattan, Austin, etc. My mom even let me walk a few paces ahead of her and my brother, giving me a sense of freedom. She snapped this cool shot of me walking.

Making my way downtown, walking fast, faces past and I'm home bound (dundundundundundunduuun)
Soon enough, we made our way to the iconic Pike Place Market and stood with all the other tourists to take a picture of the sign. Don't even get me started on Pike Place, I have so much love in my heart for that market everything is so cute. First of all, there are cool people everywhere. I saw so many magnificent street performers, including a man who could hula hoop, play the guitar, and sing at the same time, a teenager playing classical music on the violin, and older man playing the Harry Potter theme song on a saxophone, and a man who brought an entire fucking piano down on the street to play music. I'm not talking about a little keyboard, no. This man brought an entire 88-key stand-up piano, just like you would see in a middle school choir room, onto the streets to jam out. It was beautiful. Apart from the fact that people sell fresh produce in the market, such as fish, flowers, fruit, honey, etc, there are also tons of shops inside the market and on a lower level. I'm a sucker for cute little trinkets, so by the end of the day, I had a bag full of little goodies I bought. I got a small, heart shaped pink crystal of some type, two bookmarks, one of those souvenir pressed pennies, a free newspaper, a tiny handmade glass pumpkin, a single sunflower, a mint jacket that says Seattle, my name written in Chinese calligraphy, and a bunch of free hi-chew. Plus, most of the things I bought were fairly cheep, so I didn't break the bank, another reason to love this beautiful market. We also visited the disgustingly iconic Gum Wall. It's literally a dark alley where the walls are lined with gum. It's disgusting, but also beautiful in a weird way.

The Original Starbucks

Once we finished up with Pike Place and the downtown area, we drove up to Queen Anne Hill and got some lunch at a pizza place and went to Kerry Park, where we got the most amazing city view. I love love love love city skylines, and if you do as well, then go to Kerry Park. You will not be disappointed. It's not so much a park as it is a strip of grass to overlook the city, but there was a park down below if you wanted to go. It's especially beautiful on a clear day, because you can see everything. You have a view of both Puget Sound, and downtown Seattle, and it's a breathtakingly beautiful sight.

Before heading home, we stopped at Top Pot Doughnuts and gained a few cavities. The inside was really nicely decorated, and it had a huge bookshelf filled with books. It was really cute and a nice way to end our Seattle Exploration.


Aug 2, 2016

What I Would Do If It Couldn't Kill Me

August 02, 2016 0 Comments
I was watching a movie a while ago where a character jumped out of a window of a building and landed on the ground below and it got me thinking. What would I do if I couldn't die while doing it? My list is mainly things that I would regularly never do in a million years, but things that have intrigued me none the less. So, lo and behold, I present to you my list of things I would do if it couldn't kill me.

1. Run/jump through a glass door or window, shattering it to pieces

2. Bungee jump
(Okay I know this doesn't kill many people but I'm literally terrified of doing it and having the rope break I just saw a video of that happening earlier no thank you)

3. Jump off a building with an umbrella to see if it will slow the fall

4. Be in an airplane crash (preferably in water)

5. Tell the people I have a crush on that I do
(Shit just got too real, listen I know this won't kill me but it's terrifying so go away)

6. Get shot in the arm or leg or something
(Am I the only one who can't comprehend that type of pain like I want to experience it but not really do you understand what I mean?)

7. Get a huge tattoo somewhere painful
(The only tattoos I want for real are small ones on my arms where I read that it's not too painful)

8. Be in a burning building to see if I could make it out

9. Come out to everyone without their opinions on me changing
(Similar to #5, but listen... This is my post and my ramblings, this is legitimately something I want though)

10. Jump out of a window on a high floor

11. Run 50 miles without stopping
(Coming from someone who literally can't run a single mile without stopping, this one would truly be a miracle)

12. Drive a car through a house/ building
(It always looks fun in films/commercials)

13. Jump off a cliff

14. Rob a bank
(I just want infinite money, okay?)

15. Drive a car off a bridge into a body of water
(This scares the shit out of me just thinking about it)

16. Swim in the sunken Titanic
(I just shivered thinking about it I HATE things underwater)

17. Eat a piece of gum from the Gum Wall in Seattle
(Literally disgusting, but I needed something that would tie in with the post photo tbh)

Rereading the list, I promise I'm not some sadomasochist or anything, these are just some of the things I think about.

I'm gonna go lay down, please don't judge me.
