Aug 22, 2016

Back to School Blues

Today is my last day of summer. Tomorrow, I embark on the journey that is my senior year of high school. If we're being completely honest here, I woke up in a panic this morning just thinking about school starting, so Lord knows how I'll act tomorrow...

Honestly, I'm not excited to get back to school. Going back just means that you have to accept the homework and grades and environment- the whole sha-bang. Plus, senior year is filled with more expenses and the looming fact that college is just a year away. I've already started on college applications and planned some of the essays, but I haven't written an actual essay yet, and I really don't want to think about it. Yes, college is important, and yes I want to go, but I also just want to stay in bed and sleep for a few more years, or until forever.

People keep telling me that senior year will be my best one yet, but I call bullshit. There's no way on earth that the most stressful year can be your best. What's so different about senior year that makes it great? Prom? The title of being a senior? Off periods? (Granted, off periods are the best thing that have ever happened to me.) What is so great about it? I don't know, maybe I'm just being cynical and I'll look back on this post in a year and think about deleting it, but going into senior year just makes my heart pound, and not in a good way.

While the stress of preparing for college and the rest of my life looms over me, I also know that I will find ways to make this a great year. Like having off periods. At first, I didn't have any because my brother and I go to the same school and he's only a sophomore, so it didn't make sense to make so many trips to school and back, but when I talked to my mom about it, we had a nice little chat and decided I should drop the two extraneous AP classes and get my first and last period off, so I don't start until around 9:26 am and I get to leave around 2:50 pm instead of staying from 8:30 am until 3:45 pm.

What about you? How was your senior year? Was it stressful? Easy? Do tell (and hopefully leave some words of advice) in the comments section below. Hopefully this will be a good year for me.


Also, look at my senior pictures proofs.. Can you believe this I'm actually graduating next year.

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