Aug 2, 2016

What I Would Do If It Couldn't Kill Me

I was watching a movie a while ago where a character jumped out of a window of a building and landed on the ground below and it got me thinking. What would I do if I couldn't die while doing it? My list is mainly things that I would regularly never do in a million years, but things that have intrigued me none the less. So, lo and behold, I present to you my list of things I would do if it couldn't kill me.

1. Run/jump through a glass door or window, shattering it to pieces

2. Bungee jump
(Okay I know this doesn't kill many people but I'm literally terrified of doing it and having the rope break I just saw a video of that happening earlier no thank you)

3. Jump off a building with an umbrella to see if it will slow the fall

4. Be in an airplane crash (preferably in water)

5. Tell the people I have a crush on that I do
(Shit just got too real, listen I know this won't kill me but it's terrifying so go away)

6. Get shot in the arm or leg or something
(Am I the only one who can't comprehend that type of pain like I want to experience it but not really do you understand what I mean?)

7. Get a huge tattoo somewhere painful
(The only tattoos I want for real are small ones on my arms where I read that it's not too painful)

8. Be in a burning building to see if I could make it out

9. Come out to everyone without their opinions on me changing
(Similar to #5, but listen... This is my post and my ramblings, this is legitimately something I want though)

10. Jump out of a window on a high floor

11. Run 50 miles without stopping
(Coming from someone who literally can't run a single mile without stopping, this one would truly be a miracle)

12. Drive a car through a house/ building
(It always looks fun in films/commercials)

13. Jump off a cliff

14. Rob a bank
(I just want infinite money, okay?)

15. Drive a car off a bridge into a body of water
(This scares the shit out of me just thinking about it)

16. Swim in the sunken Titanic
(I just shivered thinking about it I HATE things underwater)

17. Eat a piece of gum from the Gum Wall in Seattle
(Literally disgusting, but I needed something that would tie in with the post photo tbh)

Rereading the list, I promise I'm not some sadomasochist or anything, these are just some of the things I think about.

I'm gonna go lay down, please don't judge me.


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