Sep 23, 2016

Bisexual Visibility Day

Happy Bisexual Visibility Day my loves! I spent all day thinking about many things, mainly the fact that I'm so happy bisexuals have their own individual pride day. Most of the time, bisexuals are overlooked, either being "not gay enough" or "not straight enough" and they don't seem to really be thought of as members of the LGBTQ+ community much.

Being able to have a pride day just for bisexuals brings more attention to the fact that bisexuals are real and valid. Also, I'd like to address a few myths about bisexuality that annoy me:

1. Bisexuals are just confused/being bi is just a "phase"
No. Bisexuals are NOT confused or just in a phase. Being bi doesn't mean that you're in an experimental phase in your life and can't make up your mind.

2. Being bi means that you like boys and girls 50/50
Nope nope nopity nope. Being bisexual just means the attraction to two genders- not 50/50 attraction. You can be 99/1 and still be bi! That's the great part about it!

3. Bisexuality doesn't exist

4. Bisexuals are hyper-sexual

5. Bisexuals are sluts

6. Bisexual women only do it to turn guys on
I just snorted it's just ridiculous.

Now it's time to talk about some famous bisexuals, shall we?*
1. Me!
Not famous, but still bi and proud.

2. Megan Mullally

3. Azealia Banks
Famous singer/rapper

4. David Bowie
Famous singer

5. Angelina Jolie

6. Drew Barrymore

7. Lady Gaga

8. Vanessa Carlton

9. Jillian Michaels
From the "Biggest Loser"

10. P!nk

*From the Huffington Post, full list of celebrities here*

So yeah! There we go. I hope you learned something new and interesting, and I hope you liked this post.


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