Nov 27, 2016

Black Friday Madness

America is a country of many odd traditions, but the most extravagant one is the concept of Black Friday. The "holiday" itself is actually pretty cool, I mean who doesn't love saving a ton of money, but put it in context and it doesn't make much sense. First, we celebrate Thanksgiving (which I recently learned about the real history behind the story, which isn't cool at all, read the story here), a holiday in which we celebrate all that we're thankful for, then we cut the day short and rush out to go buy new things we don't need. I find that concept fairly strange, but maybe that's just me. If it was any other day besides right after Thanksgiving (or in the case now-a-days where it starts at 5 pm on Thanksgiving day), it would be a cool thing, but I still wouldn't consider it a "holiday" per say.

All that being said, I went and had my first Black Friday experience this year. We had already eaten Thanksgiving dinner and were just hanging out when my aunt said that she wanted to go get a new TV at Target because it was on sale. I immediately perked up and asked if I could tag along. I had heard stories about Black Friday mayhem and I wanted it to experience the madness myself. In all honesty, it wasn't as dramatic as I was hoping for, but it was still fun nonetheless. We just waited in this big line outside the store for an hour, then got in, ran to the first item, rushed to the second item, and then rushed to checkout. It was fast-paced and kind of stressful, but it was such a fun experience to have at least once. 

I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving if you celebrate it, and if you don't, I hope you had a wonderful day.


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