Dec 31, 2017

17+ Things I Did in 2017

December 31, 2017 0 Comments

Over the course of this year, I've come to realize that I have done a ton of things. Although in total, this list is closer to 25 things I did this last year, that doesn't sound as cool as 17 things for 2017, so I'm gonna do what I want. Without further ado, let's jump right in, since this post might be a bit of a long one.

Let's start off simple with a few statistics for you. This year, I posted 23 sunset pictures on Instagram, four sunrise pictures, traveled to three different large cities, and I went to six concerts. I would like to say that generally, this year was a good year for me. I graduated high school, started college, and was still teased by my twelve year old cousins who are taller than me. I also spent way too much money at various Starbucks and Targets throughout the year. I also kind of kept up with a bullet journal? I mean from January until July I kept a log and wrote something I did each day, then in August I started an actual bullet journal, though I used it more for personal thoughts and telling what I did each day. Still, I'm counting it as a win for me. Now onto what you came here for; here's some things I did this year.


Okay, so when I was looking through my Instagram and general photos, I literally found nothing of importance from January except selfies and sunset pictures, so let's pretend like this month never even happened. I mean, sure it snowed and that was fun but it wasn't something I did so I'm not counting it.
It was really more of a dusting, but hey, snow is snow


1. Did my annual piano competition and got a Superior, then we drove around my college campus for the first time
2. I got ordained online for shits and giggles
My mom wanted One nice picture so I gave her one and the rest looked pretty much like this


3. Volunteered with my local Special Olympics
4. Spent the day at my university doing a special orientation for the people who got the same scholarship I did
5. Panic! at the Disco concert at the Allen Event Center
During Girls/Girls/Boys the whole arena lit up in rainbow hearts and this was on stage and my gay ass started crying


6. Went to Austin for a journalism conference with my high school's publication department (which I wrote a whole post on HERE
7. Went to my high school's publication banquet where I hung out with friends and got the "most driven" award for the school newspaper
I still think about this random wall in Austin every once in a while


8. Went back to my elementary and middle schools for emotional trips down memory lane in honor of graduation
9. Graduated high school
It was so windy and muggy that day and the robes were so hot I may look happy here but I was literally drowning in sweat lol


10. College orientation for two days
11. Flew to California all by myself and hung out with friends/went to VidCon
Got to meet Thomas Sanders again what a sweetheart

Look at my friend's dog 10/10 reason to fly to California


12. Went to Seattle and hung out with family in Washington
I would 100% die for Pike Place I don't know why I love it so much


13. Finally joined team Apple and got an iPhone
14. Allie X concert at Club Dada in Dallas
15. Started my first semester of college
Allie X, the living legend herself


16. Banks concert at South Side Ballroom in Dallas
17. PVRIS concert at The Bomb Factory in Dallas
Banks put on such a show damn what a woman

PVRIS was also amazing fuck


18. Léon and Wrabel concert at the House of Blues in Dallas
19. Oh Wonder concert at the House of Blues in Dallas
20. Turned 19 and celebrated with The Office themed decorations
21. Applied for my passport (finally)
Wrabel was such a sweetheart not only was he super talented, but he was also hilarious and he came out after his set and took pictures with people

Léon was so so talented we love a legend

Oh Wonder was oh so wonderful (sorry I just had to make that pun)

The kitchen lights block the sign but my mom hand drew the "It is your birthday." sign from episodes 16 and 17 in season five of The Office (a clip of the scene has been uploaded to YouTube HERE)


22. Got my passport!!!
23. Drove to Dallas one day after school and got lost in the city trying to find coffee, then met up with a friend who was visiting on a school trip
This is by far the most American thing I own, which is ironic considering I'm using it to leave America


24. Finished my first semester of college with a 4.0 GPA!!
25. Didn't leave my house for 15 days straight
26. Finally left the house and went to an art museum with my best friend who is back for two weeks before she goes back to school
I don't know who this person is, but I absolutely adore this photo I snapped from the museum the other day

All-in-all, I would consider this a fairly successful year. I'm already planning a bunch of posts for 2018, and I can't wait to see you guys then, but for now, stay warm and happy new year.


Oct 31, 2017

October Recap

October 31, 2017 0 Comments
Most of my tuition money has gone towards Starbucks this month tbh.
I refuse to believe that October is over in just a few hours. October is by far my favorite month of the year, not because there's a whole day dedicated to me, and another day dedicated to Halloween, but because everything tastes like pumpkin and it gets nice and chilly outside. Plus, Texas has had a surprisingly chilly October, which I adore. The high today was 50 F (10 C), and it was drizzly out, aka the best type of weather.

I haven't done much this October, but I have enjoyed the chilly weather. I spent the first two weeks having a crisis regarding getting older and still not knowing to do with my life, but I had a nice birthday regardless, and my mom decorated the house like the scene from The Office where Dwight and Jim forget Kelly's birthday (season 5 episode 16 and 17), so that was a fun surprise.

Besides the fact that I'm now 19, not much is new with me. October is my favorite month, but my mental health has gone to shit lately, so I'm hoping that turns around soon. I didn't even go to a pumpkin patch this month like wtf?? Anyways, colder weather is quickly approaching, so that always cheers me up, but we'll find out. This is really just a small update post so I don't forget to post anything this month, so it's a short one, but hey, at least I put something up. Anyways, I'll see you again some time next month.


Sep 30, 2017

Why College Is So Much Better Than High School

September 30, 2017 0 Comments
I walk across this bridge every day at school to get to class and I think it's just so cute.
Hello my lovelies how are all of you doing on this fine day? Okay, so technically I'm writing this October 1st, but since I forgot to write a post in September, I found a loophole that lets me act like I posted this in September. Wow, interesting story. Anyways, I have been in college for a little over a month now and I fucking love it. It's so weird that I finally like school again, but here we are, and I'm loving it, so I thought I'd write a little post comparing college and high school, because high school was a fucking joke, if we're being completely honest. And that brings me to the title: here are just a few reasons why college is way better than high school, at least in my own opinion.

1. You set your own schedule
Hate waking up early for class? Don't pick an 8 am. Only want to go to campus two or three times a week? Try mixing Monday, Wednesday, and Friday classes with an online class or two, or try mixing Tuesday and Thursday classes with an online class. I only go to campus MWF and I'm taking one online class, and I love it. Plus, my first class starts at 10 am, which is so much nicer than 8 or 9 am.

2. No bullshit
Professors are real with you. They see you as adults, not kids like high school teachers do. They expect  you to do your work and have it done by the deadline. They don't baby you. They hand out the syllabus on the first day of class and they expect you to read it and follow it. No more reminders that homework is due- you're expected to have it done since it's on the syllabus. I personally love this aspect, since I felt babied in high school. In college, your professors are real. My English professor is letting us curse in our essays. She spent the first five minutes of class the other day talking about pizza and how she once ate a whole pizza and drank a whole bottle of wine by herself in one night. What an inspiration. Also, all my professors want me to call them by their first names, something that never would've flown in high school, unless you already knew the teacher.

3. First real sense of independence
For most people, college is their first real sense of adulthood. Whether you live on campus or you commute, you start to see the world differently. I'm a commuter student, so I can't talk much about moving out or anything, but I'm sure those who moved out of their family homes are starting to feel more independent. As a commuter, I'm getting to know my way around the DFW area, something I never really knew in high school, since I would just drive five minutes to high school and 15 minutes to piano lessons. But now that I'm in college, I have a 45 minute drive to school on freeways and roads farther from home. I'm also at the point in my life where my family is finally letting me go to concerts by myself, so I get to drive to Dallas by myself and experience the city, which is so much fun. I'm finally starting to feel more like an adult.

4. Less busywork
High school was full of busy work. I feel like that's all I did, not just in high school, but my entire life in the public school system. In high school, I had so much homework that didn't even really matter- it was just there to fill time. Now that I'm in college, I only have homework that matters, and in class we just get right to the lecture without doing something ridiculous that has no value. I'm far less stressed about homework in college, to be completely honest, and I love it.

5. You're studying something you're interested in
In high school, we all had to take the same courses, with little wiggle room on fun classes that we care about. In college, you're studying something that you want to do with the rest of your life. There are hundreds of different classes to take depending on what you like, and you pick and chose at your own pace. Don't want to take math the first year? Don't do it. Sure, most universities have basic core requirements that you need to get done, but they have many options under the types of courses that you can take. It's wonderful.

6. There's so many free resources
Okay, so technically, your tuition is paying for these resources, but it's not like you can cut them out of your tuition payment, so technically they're kind of free, at least in the sense that you don't have to pay anything when you use it. For example, my university offers six free hours of professional counselling/therapy each semester. They also offer six free hours of tutoring each semester. Students can also ride the bus/shuttle systems for free, use any gym on campus, and so much more that I haven't figured out yet. Each university is different, but check out what type of free stuff your college has, because chances are you're already paying for it with your tuition, so you might as well take advantage of that and use some resources.

Although these aren't my only reasons why college is better than high school, this is just a start based on my first month or so as a college student. I'm really excited for these next few years in college, as I'm finally excited about school again. I have some homework to do, so I should hop off, but until next time, I hope you're all doing well.


Aug 24, 2017

Pre-College Stress

August 24, 2017 0 Comments
I start college tomorrow. I wish I could say I'm stress-free and as cool as a cucumber, but I'm more like what happens if you take a cucumber and squeeze the living daylights out of it until it's just a soggy mush. I've spent the last twelve hours or so frantically trying to adjust my schedule after coming to the realization that an 8 am class would be complete hell for me. I decided that I wanted to do a test run of all my classes yesterday, and waking up at 6:15 am was not fun. I procrastinated leaving for a while, so I left around 7 am, and of course there was an accident, so traffic sucked and I didn't make it to school until 8:10 am. Thank God I decided to do the test run, because if it was the real first day, I would have been late. I walked around campus for an hour, finding all my classes and cursing the heat. According to my phone, I walked over two miles and climbed nine flights of stairs. But at least I found all my classes, so now I know where they are when I go tomorrow.

Everything was all good until I made it back to my car and started heading home. The drive home was a rough one for me. All of a sudden, I got hit with wave after wave of anxiety. I had to stop and pull over at some random gas station to collect myself. Thoughts like "I don't want to go to college" "Why am I even here" "Do I really want to be a journalist" "How can I be a writer if I've been in a constant state of writer's block for years" etc kept plaguing me. It was rough. By the time I pulled into my driveway, I just sat there and cried for a bit, still trying to get rid of my nausea. After that, I tried to calm myself down by watching The Office and talking to my mom, which worked fairly well. After a while, we went to Target and Marshalls together where we bought some fall stuff.

Last night, I thought about changing my schedule. I wanted to see if I could do some online classes, which would free up my schedule. I ended up dropping one class (because who signs up for 16 hours their first semester) and switching one class on campus for an online version, and now I'm feeling much better. Now, my first class begins at 10 am, which is way more doable than 8 am. I wish I could say all of my stress is gone, but at least 85% of it is now. I'm still generally stressed, since it's a new school and new classes, but now it's more just first day jitters instead of being a complete anxious mess.

Hopefully, classes go well tomorrow, and the rest of the semester, but for now, I'm going to continue to spend my last day of freedom in bed. Are any of you in college yet, or do you still have a bit of time until you go back? Let me know in the comment section below, and if you're an upper classmen, or someone who already graduated, do you have any tips for incoming freshman?


Jul 29, 2017

10 Fun Things to Do in Seattle

July 29, 2017 0 Comments
Last week I went back to Washington state to visit family, and on my last day there we got to go into Seattle, and I just want to say that I fucking love Seattle. It's by far my favorite city, and there's so many things to do when you visit. I personally love Pike Place Market. I know it's a huge tourist attraction, but even as someone who's lived around Seattle for half of my life, I still love it. There are so many things to see, do, and buy, and I just adore it. So, without further ado, I thought I could recommend a few fun things to do if you ever visit the Emerald City.

1. Visit Pike Place Market
A huge tourist spot, but even the locals (me) enjoy going. Take a stroll through the market and enjoy all the wonderful things people are selling. Don't worry if you don't want to buy fruits and fish, if you go downstairs, there's more to buy. From a used book store to a magic shop to a crystal shop, Pike Place has tons of things to purchase and look at.

2. Visit the Gum Wall in Pike Place
Located in a lower alley in Pike Place Market is the grossest, coolest thing you will witness. An entire alley covered in chewed gum. It's beautifully disgusting, and I love it. Add your own wad of gum to the wall, or just marvel at the wall.

3. Moore Coffee Shop
Known for it's incredible latte art, Moore Coffee Shop is located just a few blocks from Pike Place. The place is cute and small, but the coffee is delicious and the latte art is adorable.

4. Biscuit Bitch (Caffe Lieto)
I fell in love with this coffee shop just for it's name, but when I actually visited, I loved it even more. This place has so many pride flags- even the logo in the main window was on a pride flag! I teared up a little bit at the site of the coffee shop, just looking at the pride flags. Another small coffee shop, what this place lacks in space it makes up in the atmosphere and environment. Delicious biscuits, kick ass coffee, and seeing the word bitch every few minutes? sign me up. My favorite part about going here was not only them shouting "come on in bitches," but also the fact that I got a pumpkin pie flavored drink in the middle of July. Beautiful.

5. Kerry Park
About 2 miles from downtown Seattle in Queen Anne, Kerry Park offers a spectacular view of the Seattle skyline. It's really just a small patch of grass, not really a "park" per se, but the view is incredible, and totally worth the short drive.

6. Pier 58/Waterfront Park
Just a few blocks from Pike Place, the piers have all sorts of attractions and restaurants. From the Great Wheel to the aquarium to pop up vendors, the piers are so much fun. Pier 58 seems to be the main pier, as it has the Great Wheel, but they're all fun and easy to walk to, plus you're right on Puget Sound with a view of the Cascade mountains.

7. Space Needle (or Columbia Center)
Another huge tourist attraction, the Space Needle stands 605 feet (184.4 meters) tall and offers a breathtaking view of the city. It is fairly expensive to ride up the Space Needle ($18-$29 if you go up mid-day), so if you don't feel like paying that much, you can always head to Kerry Park for free, or visit the 73rd floor of the Columbia Center and go up the Sky View Observatory for much less (Adults cost $14.75, being the most expensive compared to Space Needle Adults costing $29).

8. Pike Street Press
Located between Pike Place and Pier 58 is the cutest stationery shop I have ever encountered. There were so many cute journals, post cards, greeting cards, etc. They do custom letterpressing, and it's all beautiful. I spent so much money here on a cute Seattle journal, pencils, pens, and erasers. I love it.

9. View the Rainbow Crosswalks in Capitol Hill
Although I haven't been able to go up and see the rainbow crosswalks myself since I went up to Seattle with some religious family members, I really want to one day. Capitol Hill is the gay center in Seattle, so it only makes sense that some of the crosswalks are located here. Many of the crosswalks are located by the Elliot Bay Book Company and Caffe Vita. A cute thing to go see for any gay (or someone who likes rainbows).
Image Source
10. Mount Rainier
Okay, so technically Mt. Rainier is about a two hour drive from Seattle, but if you get the chance, heading to Mt. Rainier National Park is pretty fun if you want to see the mountain up close and personal, or if you want to try climbing it. Otherwise, you can see the mountain from the city and admire its beauty from afar.

Seattle is a wonderful city, and I have so much love for it I can't even really express how I feel about it into a tangible thought. Seattle makes me feel at home and peaceful, like I belong there, which isn't something I feel in any other city- not Dallas, not Los Angeles, not Austin, nowhere but Seattle. Every time I go into the city I feel a rush, and I don't know if it's from the second-hand marijuana intake (since it's legal and all, not that I do it) or from this homey vibe, but I love it. I can't wipe the smile off my face when I visit, and I hate leaving. If you visit, I hope you get the same vibe from this wonderful city, and let me know if you do any of the things I've mentioned!


Jun 30, 2017

Pride Chat #4: June Favorites (Pride Edition)

June 30, 2017 0 Comments
Image result for pride month
How Pride Month is already nearly over, I have no idea, but I thought I would take the opportunity of the month ending to share some of my favorite things from the past month, but with a LGBTQA+ twist. Also, if you might recall, I wanted to make a Pride Chat post each Sunday of June, but I went to California last week and missed last Sunday, so I thought I could do it today and at least get four little chats out there. Without further ado, let's see what some of my favorite things are.
Note: This post contains affiliate links, which you can learn more about in my disclosure HERE.


Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe
The two main characters, Aristotle "Ari" and Dante are two boys growing up in East Texas during the 1980s who become fast friends, even though it seems like they have nothing in common at first.
You can buy this book on Amazon now HERE.

This Book Is Gay
This book is helpful no matter how you identify. It's more like a gay instruction manual on how to handle life when you're LGBTQA+ it covers a lot of stuff. It's even a helpful book if you're straight. Plus, it's funny. Who doesn't love a funny book that's also gay as hell? Count me in.
You can buy this book on Amazon now HERE.

Will Grayson, Will Grayson
Written by John Green and David Levithan, this book explores the lives of two boys, both named Will Grayson who end up meeting unexpectedly. Their lives become intertwined as the reader learns the story of two boys with the same name, but very different lives.
You can buy this book on Amazon now HERE.


Saint California
The sophomore album by Ieuan is breathtakingly beautiful. Not only is the artist himself gay, but so are his songs. He openly uses male pronouns in his dreamlike melodies. I've had the album on repeat for weeks, not going to lie.
You can buy it on iTunes, Amazon, and Google Play, or stream it on Spotify.

Blue Neighbourhood (Deluxe)
The debut album by Troye Sivan was released late 2015, but it still holds plenty of bops. I may be partial, considering I've been watching Troye grow as a musician since early 2013, but I still love this album and all his music. "Heaven" is still one of my favorite gay songs tbh.
You can buy it on iTunes, Amazon, and Google Play, or stream it on Spotify.

This single by the Queen of the Gays is beautiful and gay, just like everything Hayley Kiyoko does. Another recommendation is Girls Like Girls, but the Sleepover single is easier to link.
You can buy it on iTunes, Amazon, and Google Play, or stream it on Spotify.

Honestly, Panic! at the Disco can do no wrong, but this song off Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die is my bi anthem.
You can buy the album on iTunes, Amazon, and Google Play, or stream it on Spotify.


Pride Flag
What's Pride Month without a pride flag? I bought my bi pride flag from Amazon here, but they also have the rainbow flag, and a trans flag.

Pride Pin
These little lapel pins are so cute. They have a rainbow pin, a bi pin, a pan pin, a trans pin, and so many others. Instead of linking to each pride pin, I'm just linking to the general search with all their pride pins here.
I hope you enjoy some (or all) of these things as much as I do! If you get anything let me know, or leave a comment below telling me some of your favorite pride related things.


Source for the cute pride hearts!

Jun 18, 2017

Pride Chat #3: My Journey to Self-Acceptance!

June 18, 2017 0 Comments

I grew up in a fairly religious household in Texas, so coming to terms with the fact that I'm not straight was a long and hard process for me. I think part of me always knew something was different. Many of my friends would talk about crushes they had on boys, and frankly, I just couldn't relate. I didn't really get crushes- or at least I didn't allow myself to say that I thought a girl was pretty. I've always fancied girls, but I never allowed myself to act on anything, mostly claiming I was interested in being their friend more than anything else. It's so strange to me now, looking back on old journal entries and whatnot when I would talk about a girl who I obviously had a crush on, but I would just keep saying what a great friend she was. But the truth was, even though I was so obviously not-straight, I never allowed myself to think I was anything less than straight. I went to church twice a week, had about ten different Bibles, loved the Lord, etc etc. Now, I'm not saying all Christians are homophobic, definitely not, but all the ones I knew growing up were, especially family members. Hell, even I was homophobic as a kid, which really fucked me up, considering I am definitely gay, but we'll get to that later. At one point during my freshman year of high school during one of the youth group topics, homosexuality came up and the church leaders literally said that if anyone was feeling gay they could come to the altar and they would try to pray the gay away, I shit you not. That same night, they even made us sign these little cards that said something along the lines of "I promise to follow Gods plan for marriage: one man, one woman, forever" or some bullshit like that. At that time, I was definitely repressing my sexuality, refusing to believe I was anything but straight. I didn't want to sign the card, but I had a friend who was looking at me expectantly, so I took the pen and signed the damn card. I don't think I've been to church since.
Seeing how most of my extended family is very religious and mostly homophobic, I haven't come out to anyone yet. The only person I've come out to in real life is my mom, and I did it last year accidentally. You see, I wasn't ready to come out, not at all. I had just come out to myself, finally allowing myself to think "hey, maybe it's okay that I'm not straight." I came out to myself November 2015, to my internet friends the same month, then to my mom in January of 2016, and I haven't really come out to anyone else since. Honestly, I'm scared to come out, so I'm just waiting it out.  I didn't even mean to come out to my mom, but I had written in a little journal my goals for the year, and one of the goals was to come out as bi to at least one person I knew in real life. I must have left the journal open or something, because my mom found it and questioned me. She was really supportive and whatnot, which was good, but it wasn't the coming out experience I wanted or planned. She just waited until we were alone, said she saw it, and said she loves me no matter what, which was a huge relief, but I wish it had gone differently. I was terrified, and it was kind of shitty. She hasn't told anyone, and neither have I.
I know this post has been a bit sad so far, but I want you to know that in the year and a half that I've had since coming out to myself, I've been so much happier and carefree with who I am. I'm proud that I'm bi, and every time I see pink, purple, and blue together I get elated, even if it has nothing to do with being bi. I can talk about girls easily with the friends I'm out to, and I no longer live in a world full of hatred and self-loathing. One of my favorite hobbies includes looking through old journals in relishing in how gay I was, before I even realized it. A few years ago, I found a box of old things that my mom had kept from elementary school and things, and one of the items in the box was my journal in third grade, where I once wrote a story about two lesbian ladybugs who were in love and traveled the world together, and then another story about me having a girlfriend. When I first saw that, I was mortified. I refused to believe I wrote it and started crying, insisting that I wasn't gay, but now when I read it, I laugh and relish in the fact that my gay ass was being gay way back in third grade. It reminds me of all the times I tried so hard to repress any feelings for girls, and how much I hated myself for that, but now, I love thinking about girls. I remember once, in seventh grade, I had a crush on my friend and I wanted to kiss her so badly, but I just kept telling myself that I wanted to kiss her for practice, so that I was ready when I wanted to kiss a boy. Lol nope, your gay ass just wanted to kiss a girl, dumbass.
I'm so glad that I live in a world where the LGBTQA+ community is thriving. I'm glad that I'm a girl who loves girls. I'm glad that I was able to learn how to accept myself, and stop the cycle of hate I felt towards myself when I was younger. Although in an ideal world, homophobia, or any phobia, wouldn't exist, we have to realize that it does, even in 2017 when the gays are flourishing. I'm proud to be bi, and I won't let anyone tell me otherwise. Online, I'm very open about my sexuality, but it's a different story in real life, and that's okay. Maybe I'll have the courage to come out before I'm walking down the aisle with my wife, but until then, I have the best friends online, and I'm so blessed to have such a strong LGBTQA+ community online as well. Stay safe and stay proud my loves.


Source for the cute lil pride hearts!

Jun 12, 2017

Pride Chat #2: There Are More Than Two Genders!

June 12, 2017 0 Comments

Welcome back to another Pride Chat, and get ready to fight me (maybe, we'll see). As a cis woman, I definitely have no right to talk about the experiences of non-cis people, but I can spread a little bit of light on the fact that they are in fact out there. For those of you who don't know, a cisgender person is someone who agrees with the gender they were assigned at birth. A non cis person can be non-binary (someone who doesn't identify with either male or female), trans, or any of the other gender identities out there. According to this gender masterpost on Tumblr, there are tons of other genders out there besides male and female.
Now, if you're someone who rolls their eyes at even the thought of someone being trans, then you definitely won't like this post, but it's something you need to hear. The world isn't divided into solely males and solely females! There are people who identify many different ways, and that's perfectly normal!! What's not normal, quite frankly, is the fact that some people have their heads shoved so far up their ass that they can't accept that. Also, a persons genitals have no correlation to what their gender identity is, and if that's your argument against them, then you might want to reevaluate yourself. No matter who you are, or what you identify as, you are completely valid and I'm here to love and support you!!
In this overwhelmingly heteronormative and cisnormative world, people who identify as something other than a cis male or a cis female get treated poorly, and that's pretty shitty. There's even debates on which bathrooms they can go in, which is so ridiculous to me. A bunch of cis, straight, white dudes vote on the majority of the issues, including women's reproductive rights and LGBTQ+ rights, such as which bathroom someone can take a piss in. Trans people just want to go to the bathroom in peace, what could possibly be dangerous about that?
Although this post mostly turned into a rant against small-minded people, I really just wanted to mention the fact that there are more than two genders, and the fact that things like colors (pink vs blue), makeup, clothes, etc get labeled with specific genders piss me off. For example, my brothers get shower gel, no big deal, right? You would think. But of course, if you want to sell shower gel, you have to slap a giant "FOR MEN" in all caps and bolded on the bottle, and name the scent something totally ridiculous, like "PURE POWER SURGE." Ah yes, now this shower gel is completely ready to sell and put on the shelves in stores. I find it quite funny how fragile and toxic masculinity is, and nothing will be funnier to me than seeing a regular product with "FOR MEN" slapped on it, as if it makes any difference whatsoever. Overall, I just want you to understand that there are more than two genders, and whatever you identify as, you're loved and valid.


Source for the cute pride hearts!

Jun 4, 2017

Pride Chat #1: Sexuality is Fluid!

June 04, 2017 0 Comments

Hello my loves and happy Pride Month to every single LGBTQA+ person on the planet, whether you celebrate openly or from the closet. Pride Month is a big one for anyone in the LGBTQA+ community, since for one month, the Gays™ are out and about and living life extravagantly, and I love it. There's something about Pride Month that just brings the whole community together and everyone feels good. For one month out of the year, we can finally feel normal in a heteronormative world. Pride Month is celebrated each June to honor the Stonewall Riots in Manhattan in 1969, a turning point in the visibility of LGBTQA+ people in the United States. The last Sunday of June in the U.S. was initially Gay Pride Day, but the date is flexible- now stretching the entire month of June! The landmark Supreme Court Case Obergefell v Hodges, which legalized same-sex marriage throughout the U.S. and its territories, was also decided on June 26, 2015, ending the Pride Month of 2015 on a positive note.
Seeing as it's Pride Month and I love telling people how gay I am, I thought I would do a few pride themed chats- one on each Sunday of June. Some will be more serious than others, while some may be more light-hearted and silly. I have a few ideas, so we'll just wait and see. Today's chat deals with something important: the fluidity of sexuality. 
Sexual orientation isn't a choice, but we do have a choice as to what labels we chose to define ourselves. As you grow and get to know yourself/what you like more and more, you may find yourself relating to a label different than what you originally came out with-and that's fine!! Labels suck, which is why many people just like calling themselves Queer, which is a simple way of saying you're not entirely straight, but you're not going to define yourself to a label. Don't worry if your label changes- it's perfectly normal! But just because sexuality is fluid, it does NOT mean you can invalidate someone's sexuality, especially not bisexuality, pansexuality, etc. The fluidity of sexuality doesn't allow you to be an asshole that tells bisexuals it's "just a phase" and they'll "eventually choose" one gender over any others.
No matter what, it's perfectly okay and normal to question your sexuality and not know what the hell you identify as. It's also okay to not label yourself! Don't let society force you into choosing a label- just be yourself and figure it out along the way. Even if you never label yourself, I'm proud of you. And if you change your label I'm also proud of you! I'm proud of every single one of you, whether you're out or not, and whether you label yourself or not. Let's just enjoy life a bit instead forcing people into labels, shall we?
Enjoy Pride Month and I'll see you next Sunday (hopefully)!


Source for the cute pixel pride hearts!