Jan 23, 2017

The Importance of Women's Marches

January 23, 2017 0 Comments
Over one million women went out and marched for the rights of many after the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States. The peaceful protest occurred on January 21, 2017, the first full day of the new presidency. This was the largest inaugural protest in US history, with marches occurring worldwide. The main march in Washington DC had an attendance of over 500,000 people peacefully protesting, while there were over 600 sister marches throughout the world. Most major cities had a march or rally, and everyone joined together to help fight injustice and poor feelings.

The marchers came together to stand up for the rights of women, LGBTQA+ people, people of color, the Black Lives Matter Movement, Planned Parenthood, and so many other causes. The slogan was "Spread love, not hate," which targeted the hateful aspect of Mr. Trump's presidential campaign. People from all walks of life attended marches, and even some snazzy animals attended.

While some look down on the marches, saying "he's already president," "there's nothing you can do," "just get over it," etc, the marches help people feel like their voices are being heard and they help people feel loved, supported, and empowered. What some people don't seem to understand is that the election of Trump is terrifying to minorities, women, LGBTQA+, Muslims, and many others. Basically, if you're not straight, cis, white, Christian, and/or a man, chances are the election of Mr. Trump is a scary thing. His entire presidential campaign was centered around racism, Islamophobia, homophobia, and the poor treatment of women. These marches showed that many people aren't going to take this lightly. These are serious issues, and our voices deserve to be heard.

People who attended marches left feeling empowered, knowing they participated in something that will go down in history. All change starts somewhere, and for some, important change occurred when hundreds of thousands marched to support women and other minorities.


Jan 8, 2017

2017 Goals

January 08, 2017 0 Comments
Personally, I don't like the idea of new years resolutions, but I do set goals each year. I don't know why, but I feel like resolutions are things that fail quickly. After a quick Google search, I've realized why I prefer goals to resolutions. A resolution is defined as "a firm decision to do or not to do something," while a goal is defined as "an aim or desired result." A resolution is more absolute such as "I will exercise more," while a goal is more laxed such as "I want to exercise more," which allows for setbacks if you don't achieve it, while if you don't achieve a resolution, it seems more dramatic. Also, it seems like many people fail their new year's resolutions, and really quickly too. I'm not saying that all resolutions are broken, but many of them, especially the ones dealing with drastic change, seem to fail quickly. Also, for me personally, I'm too set in my ways to commit to anything. Also, I get distracted easily.

All that aside, I do like making goals for the new year, so I thought I'd share some of them with the internet for your enjoyment.

1. Figure out what I want to do with my life
I used to think I knew what I wanted to do, but as reality sets in, I have a lot to decide. All I know is that I want to write. I also want to travel. I don't know if I want to be a travel journalist, a blogger, a regular journalist, an author, a book publisher, a book editor, etc. I'm going into college to major in journalism and minor in creative writing, but I still have no idea what exactly I want to do, which is bad considering I thought I knew exactly what I wanted to do years ago. 2017 is the year of getting my shit together, hopefully.

2. Write more
Pretty self explanatory, but I just want to write more, whether it's on this blog, my new story I'm working on, or even the fanfics I write, I just want to write more because it makes me happy.

3. Graduate High School
I'm graduating in May and it still feels surreal tbh.

4. First day of College
I'm still waiting for admission decisions for my number one school, then I have to decide between my number one and number two schools, but then I get to go off to college and live my life (hopefully).

5. Take more pictures
Again, self explanatory, but I want to look back on this year and have more pictures with my friends and I instead of a camera roll full of sunsets.

6. Finally get a fucking passport
I've wanted one for the past four years, let's hope this is the year I finally get one.

7. Go to more concerts
I love concerts and I got to go to so many last year, so I want to keep the streak alive and keep going to concerts. (Also, on this note, I'm participating in a Panic! at the Disco cover contest to win tickets to one of their shows, so if you wanna check out that video, you can watch it here ilu)

Well, there we go, just a few of my main goals for this year. If you have any goals/resolutions for this year, let me know by leaving a little comment down below.
