May 18, 2017

Senior Year Reflections

May 18, 2017 0 Comments
It's crazy to me that I graduate in just nine days. We're down to single digits, but it still feels far away. I don't think it really hit me that I'm graduating until this week. I got to go back to my old elementary school on Tuesday morning and walk the halls in my cap and gown and talk with my old teachers, and it was so surreal, but it finally hit me that just next week I'm graduating and closing this chapter of my life. Yesterday, I had my final choir concert and got a little gift for being a senior, and then today I got to attend a senior award ceremony at school where they congratulated all the seniors on their scholarships and academic achievements. With just a few days left in school, it's suddenly hit me how much I'm going to miss everyone.

From elementary school to high school graduation, we made it.

Over my four years in high school, and thirteen years in public education, I've gotten to know some incredible people and make some wonderful memories, but honestly, most of my happiest memories were made this year. When you're a senior, you get to do some incredible things. Most people can drive, which makes hanging out not only more fun, but also easier. I also got more involved in school this year, since I joined the school newspaper. Honestly, if there's one class I'm going to miss the most, it's newspaper. I met so many wonderful people in that class, and since it was a smaller class, we all bonded and grew closer. I would walk into class, and it would instantly feel cozy. Someone was always playing music, and when we weren't working on the newspaper, we were playing games, talking about drama, watching Netflix, or playing Webkinz (because we're all secretly stuck in 2007 together). I got to go to Austin with my journalism class, where we got to explore the city and hang out in the hotel together. I also went to our publications banquet with them and I had so much fun. I know I'm getting sappy, and I'm tearing up a bit just writing this post, but senior year was honestly so magical for me. I came out of my shell a bit more and met knew people and did new things, and made memories that will last a lifetime.

Sure, high school isn't all fun and games, and there were some really shitty moments this year too, but once you get close to the end, you get "Graduation Goggles," a term defined as "the relief and nostalgic feeling one has about a time in their life when it is about to end, even if the time was completely miserable," according to Urban Dictionary. I'm pretty sure the term was coined on "How I Met Your Mother," as that's what popped up when I typed it into Google, but either way, it sure is true. I never thought I would be getting nostalgic and sentimental over leaving high school, but here I am, a week from graduation, and in tears thinking about leaving.

Even though I've spent four years cursing high school and counting down the days until I leave, I suddenly want the clocks to stop. I've spent nearly thirteen years with some of these people, and everyone has such a special place in my heart. I know everyone will go on to do wonderful things in their lives, but for now, I don't want anyone to go anywhere. Part of me wishes I could stay in this little bubble forever, but the other part of me can't wait to get the hell out of here and begin my own life. As for right now, I currently have nine days left until I'm free, but I would also like to point out that if nobody in my class references High School Musical, then I am officially disowning myself from my graduating class. I mean our cap and gowns are even red like the iconic Wildcats, for heaven's sake. If I don't recreate this iconic jump shot, I will personally cancel the entire graduation ceremony.
